
The Bone Density Solution Review – Does Shelly Manning Program Help?

Welcome to Our post today will be a review on The Bone Density Solution, a latest program by Shelly Manning.

Being a trusted site on reviews and useful tips, everyday we received a lot of emails and messages from readers. 5 days ago, we got an email from George asking about how to increase bone density and reverse osteoporosis.

“Hi there, Linkingo!

Hope you still remember me. I am George from Houston, Texas. A few months ago, I sent you an email asking about natural treatments for amnesia. Your reply really helped my wife a lot, both of us were grateful for that! 

This time, there is another problem that I want to seek advice from you. Yesterday, I fractured my ankle. The thing was, I didn’t slip nor fall down. I just woke up, put my foot down casually, and an unbearable pain struck. 

Immediately, my daughter took me to the hospital. The doctor concerned about how such a simple act could break my ankle, and quickly, he asked me to do a bone density test. To my horror, I scored a -3.0, which meant I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. 

You know, though being in the late 40s, I never skip exercising. Both my wife and I tried to maintain a healthy diet and consumed ingredients that contained calcium. I quitted smoking four or five years ago. How come I end up having this disease? I cannot understand. 

I asked my doctor how to get rid of this condition, and his answer was devastating: There was no cure. You can soothe the symptoms by using medicines, but there is no complete treatment for this disease. 

I’m about to live with osteoporosis forever, worrying that one day, my arm or leg will suddenly get fractured. From now on, I can’t go to see a basketball match with my son anymore, can’t go for a walk with my wife anymore, and can’t even do gardening. It is embarrassing, but I want to collapse just by thinking about that. It feels like I’m just a useless puppet counting my days now. 

So, I’m really sorry to bother you again, but Linkingo is the only place I can trust now. Do you know any cure to osteoporosis? I look forward to hearing from you.

Your loyal reader, George Miller.” 

After reading George’s email,  I immediately decided to help him find a solution. Going from being a strong independent human being to a fragile porcelain vase is a pain no one can stand, but he was suffering, and I knew a lot of people were, too. 

After a day searching for a suitable program to George, I discovered one called The Bone Density Solution. It is an online program that claims to help you strengthen your bones, prevent fractures, and tackle osteoporosis permanently. 

I couldn’t finish checking the program as fast as I wanted, though. Since it was just released early this month, there wasn’t much information regarding the product on the internet. I had to search for every source available and even purchased the program to read it myself, so it did take me longer than I expected. 

What’s The Bone Density Solution?

The Bone Density Solution is an 88-page program that claims to teach you how to change your diet and adjust your lifestyle to improve your bones’ density, protect you from future fractures and help you reverse osteoporosis for good. 

The Bone Density Solution PDF

“Most people assume that osteoporosis strikes their bodies randomly. In fact, it doesn’t”, in the introduction, the author of this program wrote, “It is, in fact, a long-term result of a complex interplay of cellular processes that are triggered or hampered by hormonal changes, chronic dieting, the lack of nutrients and physical activities. Moreover, as you age, your bone’s generation progress slows down, leaving you more vulnerable to osteoporosis.” 

According to her, once you address this root cause of the disease, you can start to tackle it by consuming necessary nutrients and do light exercises that help improve the creating progress of your bones. Most people don’t know what is the right diet to adopt, though. A common misunderstanding is your bones only need calcium. However, scientists have proven that focusing on calcium alone won’t improve your bones’ health. Instead, Without other nutrients to support it, calcium can make the situation worse. To treat osteoporosis, you will need to have a balanced diet that contains magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin K, and calcium. The comprehensive dieting and exercising plan is all laid down in The Bone Density Solution. 

The Bone Density Solution Review – Meet The Author.

Many of you will be glad to know that the publisher of The Bone Density Solution is The Blue Heron Health News. It is a well-known site that has published many programs, articles, and guides related to health and fitness. Though covering a wide variety of topics, their works are practical and carefully researched. Some readers even considered The Blue Heron Health News one of the best national health information websites on Goodreads. 

I’ve checked some of their programs before, such as The Parkinson’s Protocol or The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution. All of them prove to be useful and practical in treating illnesses considering their high ratings on Goodreads. However, that doesn’t mean I will go easy on The Bone Density Solution. To verify its reliability, I took a deep dive into the mastermind behind it. 

This is where things started to get complicated. On the official website, it stated that the author of the program is Shelly Manning. She is a frequent contributor to The Blue Heron Health News. After spending more than 30 years working with doctors from the US and Europe, she became a practitioner. She started to publish her research on curing chronic diseases, such as The End Of Gout or The Arthritis Step By Step Strategy

However, the cover of The Bone Density Solution said otherwise. It showed that the author is Julissa Clay. As a naturopath who always gives simple yet practical advice on treating diseases naturally, Clay is also a familiar face. She had helped many people to deal with fatty liver. 

It might be just a mistake from The Blue Heron Health News, but this is extremely frustrating. Confusion regarding the author of the program shall make it harder for readers to determine the quality of it, as they don’t know whether the writing style and applied methods would be suitable for them or not. I had contacted The Blue Heron Health News to ask about the real author of this program and they confirmed that the real author was Shelly Manning. After that they have revised the cover’s design as soon as receipt of my email as the picture above. However, I still take this misunderstanding as a minus point. 

The Bone Density Solution Review – A More Comprehensive Look.

Still, it would be unfair if I skip The Bone Density Solution for such an issue. “After all, it is the quality of the program that matters”, I thought. That’s the reason why I still purchase The Bone Density Solution and read it myself. 

The Bone Density Solution Download Page

And here comes another minus point. If you are a loyal customer of The Blue Heron Health News, you shall know that their design has never been so impressive. Recently, I started to feel like they improved a bit in this part, as some of the previous programs began to look more eye-catching. However, The Bone Density Solution program looks nothing special: 

As you can see, the cover is basic and simple, with The Blue Heron’s logo on the top left. The contents are straightforward and neatly presented, as well. It seems like the author is confident that the program itself is enough to attract the readers, so there is no need for fancy and sophisticated design. 

In return, The Bone Density Solution is easy to follow. Looking at the table of contents, you can see that it contains six main parts: 

Part 1: Osteoporosis – Deep Dive.

In all of The Blue Heron Health News’ product, you need to understand which part of your body you are dealing with and how it usually works before treating your disease. This program is no exception. If you think you know everything about your bone, think again! The very first part will let you know what bones are made of, different layers of bones, and how bone cells regularly work to regen. Moreover, it explains osteoporosis, breaks down all the symptoms, and the dangers of not treating it. 

The author understands that a lot of people across the globe might need The Bone Density Solution. Therefore, though contain only technical information, read the first part of the program won’t feel at all like you are reading Wikipedia. Every term is explained in the simplest way possible here, so readers will fully understand. It is useful for those who don’t have osteoporosis and would like to prevent it in the future. For those who are living with the disease, you may be eager to know how to cure it more, so you can jump straight to part 2  and come back whenever you have time. 

Part 2: Causes And Risk Factors.

Part 2 shows you what causes osteoporosis. Some of the causes you cannot control, like your age or family history, yet MOST OF THEM CAN BE REVERSED if you take the right actions. Then, you move onto how your foods affect your bone cells and bone-building ability. Last but not least, in this part, you will know whether it is right to eat green or not to eat green. If the answer is yes, what exactly are the “green” foods you should consume? The answer lies right here. 

The second part of The Bone Density Solution is still technical, and it is not long. However, it acts as the backbone of the whole program. Please don’t skip it, because this part is the essence of the method you are going to use to get rid of osteoporosis for good. 

Part 3: Traditional Osteoporosis Treatments.

If you are fighting against osteoporosis, your doctors have likely offered you some forms of bone-building medication. They fall under two categories: Antiresorptive agents, which are chemicals that stop the osteoclasts’ resorption process, and anabolic agents, which stimulate the osteoclasts to form new bone. 

Part 3 shall explain how each medication works on your body and break down each method’s pros and cons. The most interesting about this part is the author also concludes how effective each one is, according to patients’ survey and doctors’ recommendations. 

Part 4: Diet – The Best Way To Build Strong Bones.

After going through part 2, you shall know what foods contribute to bone loss. But what are the best foods for building strong bone? Most people out here will say it is calcium. However, it goes so much deeper than calcium alone. There are other nutrients involved in bone formation and integrity. 

Part four will uncover how each nutrient plays a role in bone formation and the best dietary sources to include it in your daily bone-building routine. 

Part 5: Building Strong Bone With Exercises.

When it comes to treating osteoporosis, it is very crucial to choose the right choice of exercise. To build both muscle and maintain bone density, part five of the program introduces you to three types of exercises: weight-bearing, muscle strengthening, and balance building. 

All the exercises included in this part are quite simple and broken down into small steps, so I had no problem understanding the movement and follow up. However, this part could have been better if there were simple illustrations. 

Part 6: Bone Strengthening Protocol.

This chapter is the ultimate weapon the author gives to you to fight against osteoporosis. Based on the nutrients you need for strong, healthy bones, part 6 of The Bone Density Solution provides you with 14 daily diet and lifestyle habits to treat osteoporosis naturally. It might sound like a lot, but if you take a look at it, you will soon find out that these adjustments are effortless, and you can begin implementing right away. 

You also don’t need to make changes at once, though. The author suggests that the first week you might focus on adding bone-building nutrients, the second week you could begin to increase the amount of home-cooked meals, and so on until you build up to 14 bone-friendly habits. 

So as you can see, the solution gives you takes two leading roles: Nutrition and movement. After examining this program, I would like to conclude in my The Bone Density Solution review that it is very likely to work better than traditional medicine. Why is that? Most conventional medicines work by slowing down your body bone’s resorption process. However, it doesn’t help much when you steadily weaken your bone’s density with your diet and lack of exercise. In short, medicines can only deal with the symptoms of osteoporosis. The core reason for the disease is left untouched. Doctors can give you some advice to adjust your diet, but they can’t help you build a comprehensive plan. 

>>> Click Here To Download The Bone Density Solution <<<

The Bone Density Solution Review – Benefits Of Using The Program.

Some benefits of The Bone Density Solution include: 

  • You have a chance to cure osteoporosis naturally and holistically: The reasons I mentioned above might be why you’ve tried many medicines before, yet all of them only work for a short time. This program deals with the underlying causes of osteoporosis, which is the thing doctors won’t help you. Therefore, you have a chance to tackle the disease completely.
  • You can also avoid other conditions linked with your bone: As you strengthen your bone, you will be less likely to get fractures or other bone diseases.
  • It provides you a healthier lifestyle: Along the way, you will find yourself start consuming hearty ingredients, eliminate harmful ones out of your meal, and do exercises more often. All of these benefits your health in general.

Who Should Use It?

The Bone Density Solution is primarily for:

  • Anyone who is suffering from osteoporosis.
  • Those who got osteoporosis as a result of the aging progress and the lack of nutrients.
  • Those who tried to apply many kinds of medicine, but so far, none works.
  • Anyone open-minded and willing to take on a new approach to tackle this disease.
  • The Bone Density Solution is also perfect for those who are not yet diagnosed with osteoporosis but want to know more to prevent it.

And Who Should Not?

However, in The Bone Density Solution review, I have to declare that the program is NOT for everyone. 

  • Osteoporosis can be the result of far more severe illnesses, like Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, or even leukemia. Therefore, I strongly advise you to consult a physician and find out the cause of osteoporosis before using the program. If it links to any conditions above, you should seek medical treatment immediately.
  • The program requires you to be patient to get the best result. If you can’t adjust your meals or do exercise every day, it would be a waste to purchase The Bone Density Solution.

The Bone Density Solution Review – Pros And Cons.

After reading the program, here are the strong points of The Bone Density Solution: 

    • Trusted publisher: There is no doubt that The Blue Heron Health News is by far one of the most popular health publishers. The quality of their products have been verified, and The Bone Density Solution still can keep up their good works.
    • Easy to follow: The program is easy to follow, even the most technical parts (part 1 and part 2). The author tried her best to cover every problem related to your bone, but just enough for general readers to understand.
    • 100% natural: The Bone Density Solution shows you how to treat the disease by making changes to your diet and lifestyle. Therefore, not only can you heal your bone, but you also strengthen your body naturally. There is absolutely no side-effect.
    • It is comprehensive: You shall know how to get rid of osteoporosis by using both nutrition and movement.
    • The program is not time-consuming: You don’t need to make considerable changes to your meals at once, but you can adjust them day by day. Moreover, all the exercises are elementary, contains only 3 – 4 small movements so that you can practice anytime.

Still, The Bone Density Solution is not perfect. There are still some shortcomings: 

    • Basic design: If you are more into a fancy look, you would probably be disappointed with the simple design of The Bone Density Solution.
    • It could have been better with illustrations to demonstrate the exercises.

The Bone Density Solution Review – Price & Purchase Policy.

The Bone Density Solution is not yet available on your local bookstores. You can purchase it on the official website.

The price for this program is $49.01. If you worry about repetitive cost, then let me tell you there is absolutely no auto-renewal procedure. You only have to make a one-time purchase, and you can get unlimited access to the program. 

As a customer support policy, you shall have the 60-day money-back guarantee as to your back up. So, if you are not happy with the product, you can request for a full refund. In that case, you can contact them at

The physical version of The Bone Density Solution is only available to customers who previously purchased the digital version. You can have it shipped to your home and only need to pay an extra $4.00 for the printing costs. Within the US, the product will usually be shipped within three days. 

Our Conclusion.

Although there are still some cons, I think that The Bone Density Solution is an excellent program for those suffering from osteoporosis to try out. For less than the cost of one doctor’s visit or one subscription of medications, you can deal with the root cause of the disease and get rid of it holistically. In case you are not happy with the product, you can contact them to get your full money back with no questions asked. That, for me, sounds like a bargain. But don’t listen to me on that. It’s better to grab a copy and see the changes for yourself. 

>>> Try The Bone Density Solution With 100% Risk Free Here <<<


Lastly, I would like to thank you for your time reading our review of The Bone Density Solution. If you find the review useful, please kindly like and share it.



Amita Hills

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