
Text Chemistry Review: Get Eternal Love From A Man By Texting?

It had already passed at 1 am, and yet I couldn’t sleep. I found myself lying restlessly on the bed, staring at the ceiling, with Josh’s words kept on echoing in my mind…

“It is suffocating just by talking to you, Jen.”
“Sometimes, I don’t even feel like reading your text messages.”

My whole body shook as I tried to hold myself. It was so painful I thought I couldn’t cry anymore, and yet tears still fell down my cheeks.

This was not the first time a guy whom I loved so much told me such a thing. Not the first time a guy wanted to end the relationship.

But Josh, he was different. He was the one. And I had to keep him by my side at all costs.

I am Jennifer from Brooklyn. Recently, people have been talking a lot about Text Chemistry by Amy North – a text message system for women to capture a man’s attention and heart. At first, I was very skeptical about it. After being shared by a friend of mine about the real story of her elder sister, I decided to purchase the program to experience and see if it could transform my broken love with my boyfriend.

This is my first time writing a review on the internet, so I kinda don’t know where to start. But I decided to give it a shot anyway because just a few months ago, I was desperately rummaging every corner of the internet, trying to find a detailed post about Text Chemistry, just like anyone who is reading this post now. So I know a lot of you guys will find it useful! 

I want to start my review on Text Chemistry with my story…

My friends and colleagues often think of me as a lucky woman, someone who has everything a lady ever needs. The blissful relationship between Josh and me is a thing they all dream about, and thus, many people assume that there must be something so special about me that can drive such a perfect man crazy. 

But I’m telling you, I’m no different from you. Just a few months ago, I was just an ordinary woman. Even worse, I had never been so lucky with men. When it comes to love, I never received a happy ending. It was only pain, heartbreak, and failure. 

Thus I closed my heart for a long time. I refused any man who tried to flirt with me. I didn’t want to experience the pain again.


… Then after more than a year of not being in any relationship, I met Josh…

“He must be your soulmate” – my friend Samantha blurted out when she saw my face brighten up reading his text messages. Yes, Josh indeed was. He was charming and prosperous, but more importantly, he made me feel loved. We spent every weekend together. It didn’t matter whether we were staying in his apartment watching Netflix or going to an exotic beach, everywhere with him felt like heaven to me. 

“Josh is my one and only other half. He wouldn’t leave me like how my exes did.”

Just when I thought so, bad news came. Due to a work project, Josh had to move to New Jersey and stay there for a year.

The feeling of insecurity quickly turned into fear when I saw the photo one of his new colleagues posted on Facebook. It was a group photo of him and five others, but what caught my eyes was…

A young girl stood right next to my boyfriend, grabbing his arms. 

Judging from her face, I guessed she was only around her 20s. They took the photo in a hurry, but you could still say that she was extremely appealing. Her body was something most men would go crazy for. 

My heart sank. For the first time after a while, I realized that he met new people I didn’t know and could anytime date a girl I would never hear about. 

Anxiety started taking over my mind, and I couldn’t control my words. Before I could realize, our gap kept becoming wider and wider. 

And just a couple of weeks later, Josh called me, saying everything was over.

“I wasn’t into her, Jen. I loved you, but it is suffocating just by talking to you these days.”

It felt like my whole world turned grey. Josh had hung up, yet I was still sitting on the floor and staring blankly at the phone. 

Never can I find someone like him, ever again in this world. 

I knew I needed to act up. I needed to do something to keep him by my side, no matter what.


That’s how I came to discover the Text Chemistry system.

To be honest, when Samantha told me about the program, I didn’t put much hope on it. In my opinion, it was nothing but another online program. The only purpose of it was milking money from people on the internet. 

But Samantha was my best friend, and I knew she never willing to pay for any random nonsense stuff. Moreover, I had nothing to lose, so I decided to give it a try. 

I googled the phrase “Text Chemistry review” on the internet and immediately appeared with the number of results. However, I could not find any detailed review as expected.  

After hours of researching, I decided that I would buy it from the official website Samantha sent me earlier. When you get access to it, you would also find a video presentation from the author. I suggest that you watch it first before making your decision to get an overview of what the program is all about. 


I could purchase Text Chemistry at only $49.95.


The original price was $358.75, but there was a flash sale going on.

It is really a bargain compared to other online relationship eBooks, so I worried that they cut off some parts of the program. After making the purchase, I thought perhaps this was just another bullshit. An hour of seeing a relationship counselor already costs around $150 on average, so how could I expect to transform our love with only $50? 

Still, I went on with it. I had instant access to the membership site right after I had made the purchase. Amazingly, I can download in 3 versions: Desktop version (pdf), mobile version (ePub), or Kindle version (MOBI). 



Moreover, to my surprise, it is NOT the only thing I received. Along with the main course, I was able to download 3 more bonuses (The Phone Game eBook, Why Men Leave eBook and Quality Men On Tinder eBook) with video series and bonus interviews.


I check out the main course first. Before Text Chemistry, I did purchase some online programs and was utterly disappointed with the quality of those products. They were sloppily designed and contained only obsolete, useless pieces of advice. At first glance, Text Chemistry managed to keep my interest. Though not too outstanding, the main e-book was neatly presented with two primary colors, pink and white.

Below is for your quick look at the table of contents, so you will see how it is inside:


As you can see, the course has 3 main parts: 1) Rules For Texting; 2) What to Text Men to Attract and Win Them Over and 3) What to Text Him When… The author divided each part into smaller chapters.

I was too overwhelmed, too heart-broken at that time to read the whole program, so I decided just to see what I needed. 

I began with the first chapter of part I, Texting Mistakes. In this chapter, Amy North – author of this program – gives you a list of mistakes you can make while texting with the man you love. As Josh and I were in a long-distance relationship, texting had become an integral part of our love life. This chapter made me realized what kind of mistakes I had made while using this form of communication, and they were the things that ruined our relationship without me knowing it. For example, in days when I was too busy, I often just sent him short replies like “haha”, “lol” or “sounds good”. Amy indicated them as “predictable and boring texts” and suggested some good ways to fix them. I wasn’t planning to read the whole chapter, but the more I read, the more mistakes I realized that I had made. Amy explained every and each problem so clearly, and even give actual examples for all of them, so it was not hard for me to relate to myself. I may not be able to tell you everything just in this Text Chemistry review, so I will let you see for yourself!

At that moment, I started feeling that it was a bargain over here.


I skipped the next 3 chapters of part I (The Perfect Text Recipe, How Long Should You Wait Before Texting Him and Emojis: Yay or Nay?). It wasn’t because they didn’t sound impressive, but I felt like they would be more suitable in case I want to attract a guy and get his attention. I needed to mend the relationship with Josh, and I had to focus on my goal first. 

Therefore I went straight to part II. In this part, Amy provided readers with 18 exclusive texting methods. She categorized them into 3 stages: The Early Days, The Dating Day, and The Long Run. If you are like me, you probably would be confused at this part. It is quite tough to guess the meaning of each texting method if you look at the names of them. After randomly choosing Mercy Texts, E-Glow Texts, and Big Bang Texts to read, I found Big Bang Texts most fascinating. It claims to use male psychology to help you “trigger” his brain and fill them with thoughts about the time he spent with you only. I was no expert, so I like how the author explains something complicated such as psychology in a casual, friendly tone. Just like part I, each chapter provided with specific examples. 

One thing I have to say in this Text Chemistry review is I appreciate the fact that it is easy to follow up, even when I just read the parts. After finishing these, I realized they calmed myself down. I felt like I got a glimpse of what I should tell Josh already. However, to make sure, I still processed to check part III. In this part, Text Chemistry tells you what to say in particular cases. For example, what will you say when he asks inappropriate questions about nude photos? Or perhaps, when he seems to be so interested in another woman? At this point, I felt that this program was more than a guide on texting. 

It feels like.. an encyclopedia about love.

When the clock reached 9 pm, I knew I had to make the decision. Again, I came back to the Big Bang Texts methods. As I got the key on how to form a text message that recalls all the powerful memories we shared together, I started typing mine…

… and click sent, as if it was my last chance. 

One second later, Josh’s name appeared on my screen once again.

I almost jumped out of my seat. He didn’t call me for days already. 

My hands shook as I tried to pressed the button, and before I could even say anything…

“Jennifer, I’m coming back tomorrow. Can you please see me? We need to talk.”

I had never seen him being so hasty before, but I said yes.

Early in the morning, Josh appeared in front of my door. He said that he booked the nearest flight.

And guess what? He came back to say that he was all wrong.

“Not only until I read your text that I realized, Jen, you are my EVERYTHING.” – Josh begged me – “I was wrong for thinking that I could let you go. I was wrong for thinking that we are over. Jen, please give me another chance. You are the woman for me, and I would never think of leaving you again.”

Again, Josh said that he loved me. But this time, his love felt different. I could hear a burning passion in his voice. Even before the conflict, he had never shown this kind of emotion. 

As if… he went crazy all over me.

Ever since that moment, my relationship and my whole life changed entirely just by a tiny text message. Josh does what he said – he never leaves my side ever again. 

Still, I keep Text Chemistry as my personal relationship dictionary.

After getting back together, I immediately made a check-list of texting mistakes I might make, with the help of the list I found in the program. When I showed the list to Josh, he admitted that they were indeed the things that annoyed him time after time. As a result, I knew I should pay more attention to every word. I came to realize that such a small text message can completely transform my love life, which I was never aware of. 

I started learning “the art of texting” seriously, with Text Chemistry as my guide. Therefore, I set a goal to surprise Josh with a message I learned from the program as a practice. And guess what? HE ABSOLUTELY LOVES THOSE MESSAGES!

“I don’t know since when, but I begin to look forward to your texts every day” – he said to me – “Whenever I read your message, I feel a wave of excitement as if it is the first day we are in love. They make me want to see you immediately.” 

So as you can see, I used Text Chemistry to save my (almost) broken love. But if you ask me who can use it, I’d say it is for every woman. The program is just like a relationship therapist who can tell you exactly what to say in different situations. It can help you to heat things between you and your loved one, or even win the heart of the man you have a crush on! 

To sum up this Text Chemistry review, I’d like to list out the pros and cons of the program, based on my personal opinion.


  • The main eBook comes with 3 bonuses, which makes this deal become a bargain. And these bonuses are exciting and useful just as the eBook itself.
  • Neatly designed and well organized.
  • The whole program itself is very logical and clear. It is something I must mention in my Text Chemistry review. You don’t have to be a dating expert to follow up and learn from Text Chemistry. You might just jump into one part and would still find something from it without any trouble understanding.
  • SUPER COMPREHENSIVE! As I already said, Text Chemistry is for every woman. It would help you find the perfect boyfriend you’ve been looking for, keep your relationship passionate or mend a broken love.
  • There is a 60-day money-back guarantee. To be honest, if it wasn’t for this, perhaps I wouldn’t purchase this product and write this Text Chemistry review. You can confidently test the program without any fear.
  • You will be able to join a forum of members, where you are free to share your thoughts and problems with love and relationship. I’ve been an active member here ever since Josh and I got back together. Amy’s team and the author herself would also be there and are willing to help you will any issue you encounter!
  • Last but not least, you will get rid of your insecurity. Text Chemistry teaches you the most effective way to communicate with your man. He will have to sit down, listen, and pay attention to you. You won’t have to worry about losing him anymore.


  • The product involves male psychology, so some of you might see it as manipulative.

As I finally find the love and happiness of my life, I feel that it is necessary to share it with every woman who is reading this Text Chemistry review.

Because dear, you deserve to be happy just like I am.

Indeed, Text Chemistry is an incredible system to help every woman to win the eternal love of a man.  The original price of the product is $349. Honestly, it is still very cheap with the value the system brings to you. Luckily, I got it at only $49.95. From what I heard on the private forum, it was the biggest sale period so far.

This massive discount is still going on, but it will end at any time.  My friends are going on and on about this exclusive discount since this morning. So if you want to win the heart of a perfect man, just like I did… Well, I guess you will have the right decision after reading this Text Chemistry review!



Love From Jennifer 

Amita Hills

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