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Vitiligo Miracle Review: A Scientifically-Based Analysis.

Welcome to Linkingo’s Vitiligo Miracle review! In the U.S, around 1 to 2% of citizens are diagnosed with vitiligo. Even though the condition is not itchy, painful, or critical, it dramatically damages patients’ lives as it makes them uncomfortable in socializing and therefore affects their mental health. 

That is why many people out there are willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate the patches on their skin. They run behind various types of medications and lotions, and surgeries to get rid of vitiligo. Unfortunately, doctors admit that it is tough to know if the result of these treatments is stable. Even after surgeries, the disease might become active again after one or two years, which is erratic. 

So what should the patients of vitiligo disease hold on to if medical treatments do not work? Should they give up and live with discrimination for the rest of their life? Do they deserve to be isolated just because of the patches on their skin? Is there really no way out?

Linkingo has received many emails from vitiligo sufferers sharing their stories, and all of them were so painful that we knew we had to do something. After spending many days researching, we discovered Vitiligo Miracle – a program that promises to heal the condition holistically, without any pain. 

Needless to say, we wanted to introduce our readers to this program as soon as possible. We desperately wanted those living with this disease to know that there was still light at the end of the tunnel. However, it would be unwise to feature Vitiligo Miracle without knowing it would work or not. Therefore, to avoid giving you false hope, we have skimmed through the internet to find out everything about the program.

This article is the result of our thorough research. I can assure you that it will be the most extended and comprehensive Vitiligo Miracle review, so please read until the end and not miss a single word! 

What Is The Vitiligo Miracle?

Vitiligo Miracle PDF

Vitiligo Miracle is an online program that claims to provide a unique vitiligo healing system. According to the official website, the creator has spent over 41,000 hours clinically researching the method to eliminate vitiligo for good. Therefore, its effect is 100% guaranteed. 

The system contains five steps to restore users’ internal balance and cure skin pigmentation. Users shall be free from the disease after 45 – 60 days. What’s more, Vitiligo Miracle promises to be all-natural and risk-free. It does not involve any drug, medical treatment, or surgery. 

However, being a person who checked out many online programs, I know that the more flowery a product’s description is, the more careful we should be. What the official website says about the program was not enough to persuade me, so I decided to look beyond that and find more information about this system. 

Vitiligo Miracle Review – About The Creator.

It took me a while to find out about the creator of Vitiligo Miracle. The person behind this system is David Paltrow. As written on the website, Paltrow spent most of his life dealing with this disease. Unable to bear the shame, he repeatedly tried and experimented with different methods to get rid of the patches and reverse his skin back to normal. Just for this reason, Paltrow entered the health and wellness field and became a health consultant. He said that the method he discovered changed his life completely, and wanted everyone suffering from vitiligo to transform their life just like he did. That’s the reason why David Paltrow wrote and published the Vitiligo Miracle program. 

I have to say that Paltrow did an excellent job of connecting with his customers by sharing the story. There is nothing better than a cure for vitiligo created by a former sufferer. He must know how haunted this disease is, and since he was there, he understands what works to treat the condition.

However, when I searched for David Paltrow on Google search engine, there was nothing to prove that his story was true. Aside from the official website, David Paltrow’s information was nowhere to be found. It is a weird thing, especially when he claimed to be a nutritionist and health consultant. Almost all the nutritionists I know would have a personal website or social media pages for easier booking, but David Paltrow does not have anything like that. It is understandable if he prefers to use a pseudonym for his work to protect privacy on the internet. Still, it makes a massive disadvantage for Vitiligo Miracle, since I couldn’t confirm his background. 

On the other hand, there are still many ways to see if a program is trustable or not, aside from checking the creator’s background. Hence, I moved onto the next step: Verifying the scientific evidence of the Vitiligo Miracle. 

Vitiligo Miracle Review – How Does The Program Work?

To explain the scientific foundation, the author said that many people assumed vitiligo to be just a problem with their skin. All of the medicines, lotions, and creams on the market focus on solving the symptom of vitiligo. That’s where things go wrong. As David Paltrow stated, the condition is not just an external problem with the skin. Instead, it should be seen as an outward manifestation of a serious internal issue. 

Vitiligo is a sign of toxic overload. When your body is overridden with chemicals, preservatives, and other toxins, your liver can’t help you get rid of them anymore. As a result, the skin joins hands in purging these toxins by drawing them toward its surface. Along the way, some damage the cells, ruining your skin cells’ ability to produce melanin or coloring for the skin. 

Aside from that, the condition can also be a direct response of your immune system, caused by the inability to distinguish between the healthy melanin-producing cells and other dangers that might harm the body. It leads to an autoimmune response that attacks the melanocytes. 

There are still many other possible causes for vitiligo, which you can find in the program. Yet, all of them come from inside of your body. David Paltrow is confident that the Vitiligo Miracle is the most effective way to treat the condition because it will first help address your vitiligo type. From there, users will know which part of your body needs treatment. The program shall then provide appropriate diets, nutrition, natural supplementations, and lifestyle changes to tackle the root cause and get rid of vitiligo for good. 

In fact, scientists have confirmed that vitiligo is not only a skin condition. It is your body’s cry for help. Accordingly, the most common type of vitiligo, non-segmental vitiligo, results from an autoimmune disorder, as David Paltrow also mentioned. Meanwhile, chemicals inside your body cause a less common type, segmental vitiligo. It proves that the creator has researched thoroughly before publishing the Vitiligo Miracle, as he managed to address the root cause of the condition. 

To this point, it is pretty safe to say that the program is worth a try. Hence, I went back to the site and purchased a copy. 

Vitiligo Miracle Review – What Will You Find Inside?

As I received my digital copy of the Vitiligo Miracle, I had to compliment this program’s look. It was neatly presented, looking simple yet still elegant. 

When users get past the copyright notice and disclaimer, they will find the table of contents: 

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I understand that just looking at the table of contents is not enough for you to know what the Vitiligo Miracle program offers, so I will give you a summary of each chapter. 

1. Introduction.

The first chapter gives users an overview of what you will find in this program. It first acts as a map and introduces them to each chapter in the Vitiligo Miracle. Then, chapter one explains the core of the 5-Step Vitiligo Miracle Solution, so users know what they have to prepare and the right mindset to have while using the program. At the end of the first chapter, the author tells his story and encourages users to free themselves from the disfiguring splotches and be beautiful again. 

The introduction is usually not necessary, but from my perspective, you should go through it to have an idea of the whole program and the 5-step method. If you don’t have much time, you can skip the creator’s story, since it is the same as what he wrote on the official website. 

2. More Than You Probably Wanted To Know About Vitiligo.

This part is where we start getting to the main point. The second chapter of the Vitiligo Miracle plays the role of an encyclopedia about vitiligo. It gives you the real definition of vitiligo, how the skin’s pigment works, and how it leads to the condition. After you get an idea of what vitiligo is, you shall learn about the many types of the disease and its real causes. As mentioned above, it can be the result of toxic overload or auto-immune. However, there are many more to it. Have you ever known that psychological factors and metabolic conditions can also lead to vitiligo? You will find out the truth here. Finally, users shall understand what is most at risk for developing the disease, and the link between vitiligo and the immune system. 

If you are someone who lives with the condition for a while, you can skip the first four parts of chapter 2, which are “What Is Vitiligo”, “How Pigment Of The Skin Works”, “Layers Of The Skin”, and “Pigmentation”. From my perspective, these are the same as what doctors would tell you when you try to look for vitiligo treatment. The things you should focus on are part 5 “The Many Faces Of Vitiligo” and part 6 “The Real Cause Of Vitiligo”. It is essential to know what type of vitiligo you are dealing with because only then do you realize the right way to address your condition. 

3. General Diagnosis Of Vitiligo & Evaluate Of Your Unique Vitiligo Condition & Severity.

If chapter 2 lets you know the types of vitiligo, then the next chapter will show you how to evaluate your condition. First, it lays out all the signs and symptoms of vitiligo. Then, the program provides you with methods to self-check for diagnosing the disease, as well as medical tests you should take if necessary. Lastly, in chapter 3, you will learn about other disorders related to vitiligo so you can act before it turns into something serious. 

In case you have read chapter 2 carefully, you might have an idea of your vitiligo type. Still, I recommend you to read chapter 3 and learn about your condition. 

4. Conventional Treatments For Vitiligo (And Their Consequences).

In chapter 4, David Paltrow lists out all the conventional medicines for treating vitiligo. You shall find many familiar names here, such as Corticosteroids, Dovonex, Immunomodulators, and many more. The author analyzes all of them, from their advantages to possible side-effects. Users will then know what they should expect from these medicines, and while they don’t work or stop working after a while. 

Moreover, Paltrow also takes an in-depth look at surgical help for vitiligo. There are two types of surgeries, which are grafting and skin cell transplantation. He points out which one is the most suitable for each kind and the risks of this procedure.

5. The 5-Step Vitiligo Miracle System For Reversing Vitiligo.

Chapter 5 is the core of the program and is what the author promises users: A real cure for vitiligo. Just as the name states, you shall find here five steps. 

Step 1: The Vitiligo Miracle Diet, Nutrition, Digestions, And Metabolism Program.

Vitiligo has been directly linked to toxins in the body. It is the result of long-term poor diet and unhealthy eating habits. The author points out some of the bad eating habits you should avoid (one of them is not recognizing certain foods intolerances!).

He then gives you a list of foods and other elements you must cut down while battling vitiligo, as well as foods to eat to improve your inner organs and nourish your skin. At the end of step 1, you will find a comprehensive meal plan for vitiligo sufferers.

The plan is so detailed as it is built from all the scientific studies Paltrow mentioned above, so you don’t have to do any work. All you have to do is prepare your meals accordingly and start seeing the change. 

Step 2: Boosting Immunity For Fighting Vitiligo.

After all the things you have learned, you will know that there is a strong bond between vitiligo and your immune system. Therefore, building a stronger immune system is one of the steps in fighting the condition. In this step, you should rearrange your sleeping habits, do regular exercises, provide enough hydration, and relieve stress. How to do all of those, though? It would be possible to do all of these if you follow the right path, and it is here in step 2. 

Step 3: Vitamin, Herbal & Mineral Supplementation For Vitiligo.

Not only does the immune system require the right nutrition to remain healthy and robust, but when you suffer from a skin condition, vital nutrients might be drawn away from other parts of the body to heal the skin. Hence, if you lack these critical vitamins and nutrients, you won’t be able to recover. 

In step 3, the author lists out all the vitamins you need to fight against vitiligo and natural ingredients you can consume to supply your body with them. Since not every supplement on the market is trustable, Paltrow believes it is best to use natural ones like herbs and vegetables. They can’t add more toxins to your body and are entirely risk-free. 

Step 4: Cleansing & Detoxification To Reverse Vitiligo.

According to the creator, step 4 is the most essential foundation for tackling vitiligo because it removes the toxins from your body by cleansing and re-generating your bowels, liver, and kidneys. This step involves a 3-day juice cleansing diet and a 7-day parasite cleansing program alongside a heavy metal cleanse and a liver detoxification protocol. 

The author is thoughtful to add in step 4 tips for a successful cleansing diet, as he knows it can be quite challenging to commit. You shall know how to make all the progress an enjoyable experience instead of suffering from it. 

Step 5: Mind & Body Techniques And Lifestyle Changes For Vitiligo Sufferers.

In the final step, the author introduced some lifestyle changes that you must incorporate into your daily life. Not only do they help you to get rid of the condition, but they also protect your skin, your inner organs, and improve your health in general. Provided that you no longer have to bear with vitiligo, these habits shall prevent it from occurring again. 

These changes include skincare tips, stress control, relaxation therapy, things you should not keep in your house, and many more. The author warns users that not all of them are easy – you might find some more challenging than the other to commit. Still, the path to true healing will, of course, require some sacrifice. When you see the end result, you shall know that your effort is worth it. 

Overall, Vitiligo Miracle is comprehensive with a vast amount of information. In case you have been suffering from vitiligo for a long time, you might find some of the parts not necessary since it is the same as what doctors mention about the condition.

However, it indeed reveals unique information that you can’t find anywhere, such as the link between vitiligo and other organs and how stress can affect your skin. I believe that only an expert with many years of research can collect these pieces of information and put them into a program.

I like the Vitiligo Miracle because the author does not try to persuade his readers with flowery words. In the first chapter, Paltrow states that the road to getting rid of vitiligo is not easy. It requires a lot of effort, but he encourages users not to give up because the cure is right there. “Here is your chance to break free from the trauma of vitiligo and allow your skin to heal once and for all”, he wrote. 

Still, it seems that the editor team of Vitiligo Miracle didn’t do an outstanding job. You can find spelling mistakes here and there, which is quite a shame for a program with such a professional appearance. 

Vitiligo Miracle Review – Benefits Of Using The Program.

The program promises to: 

  • Restore your skin pigmentation and give back its natural color.
  • Holistically deal with the root cause of vitiligo, thus prevent it from recurring.
  • Restore your self-confidence.
  • Save thousands of dollars in medicines, gels, lotions, and doctor visits.
  • Save you from the pain and side-effects of UV treatments and surgeries.
  • Strengthen your organs and stop vitiligo health-related issues once and for all.

Vitiligo Miracle Review – Who Should Use This Program?

The program is best for: 

  • Anyone who is struggling with vitiligo.
  • Those who are desperately looking for a permanent solution.
  • Those who have tried many methods to get rid of patches on the skin, but none worked.
  • Anyone who is worried about the side-effects of conventional vitiligo treatments.
  • Doctors, researchers, and medical students who want to learn about vitiligo and ways to treat it.

The official website states that the program is suitable for all ages and can cure all kinds of vitiligo. 

Vitiligo Miracle Review – Who Is It Not For?

  • The method requires your time, effort, and commitment. If you are not willing to get rid of some habits, go on a diet, and change your lifestyle, this program is not for you.
  • Since the whole program is based on naturopathy, it takes time for you to see the result. According to the website, the symptom will disappear after a month. In case you want a method that shows effects immediately, Vitiligo Miracle is not for you.

Vitiligo Miracle Review – Advantages & Disadvantages.

Below, we list out the good things about the Vitiligo Miracle program: 

  • The program is well laid out. After reading the introduction, I believe that everyone can have an idea of what Vitiligo Miracle offers. The approach is also apparent. First, you will get an overview of vitiligo and its causes. Secondly, you learn about the different types of the condition and how to categorize your own. You then understand why the traditional methods you’ve been applying don’t work. Finally, after guiding you through all the matters surrounding vitiligo, the author reveals the 5-step process so users can fully understand how and why it is useful.
  • Since it is comprehensive, anyone can make use of the program. You don’t need to have a medical background to make use of Vitiligo Miracle.
  • The information mentioned in the Vitiligo Miracle is unique, and you cannot find them elsewhere.
  • Instead of making users think that this is an easy way out, David Paltrow helps his readers get in the right mindset. He stated that even though the steps are not easy, users need to be patient and committed to getting the best result. It prevents readers from having false expectations.

However, there are still some flaws: 

  • Information about the author is not available anywhere other than the official website.
  • Since most of the chapters are theoretical, and the 5-step method is in the final chapter, users who are looking for a cure might be impatient. In that case, I suggest you check out chapter 3 first to find out your type of vitiligo, then jump to chapter 5 to apply the method. Chapters 1, 2, and 4 can be read slowly along the way to understand more about the disease and your condition.
  • The program still contains spelling mistakes.
  • It is only available in digital format. If you prefer a traditional way of reading, you can print it out for a better experience.

Vitiligo Miracle Review – Customers’ Feedback.

There are not many reviews from customers for Vitiligo Miracle, indicating that the program doesn’t have gained much attention. Some users reported that the program helped them to gain back their skin color within a short period of time: 

Another user said that the customer support team and David Paltrow himself were very helpful. They supported her and guided her through the treatment, making her feel that she was not alone in her way to curing vitiligo:

A similarity they all share is that after using the program to treat the condition, users were able to gain back their confidence and improve their mental health, as well as self-esteem: 

On Amazon, the Vitiligo Miracle receives a rating of 3.6 out of 5. Some customers gave the program a 1-star, saying that it was a scam. However, they didn’t bring up any proof. Their only point was the lack of customer review: 

The marketing team of Vitiligo Miracle might not have done a perfect job of promoting the program. However, saying that it is a scam just because there was hardly any review sounds unfair to me. As someone who purchased the actual product, I can assure you that it is not a scam AT ALL. Vitiligo Miracle, just like it promises users on the website, really covers a lot of valuable information regarding the disease and how to treat it. There is no repetitive payment, and users don’t have to purchase any medicine, supplement, or other extra product to treat their condition. Everything is packed in one single eBook. 

Username J. Stanmeyer, who gave Vitiligo Miracle a 3-star rating, had a detailed review. He stated that the program contained much useful information. However, since it covers many topics, he couldn’t find some of the things David Paltrow mentioned in the promotion video, such as household items you should eliminate in order not to add more toxins to the body:

Please note that while J. Stanmeyer has a detailed and unbiased perspective on Vitiligo Miracle; he submitted his review in 2015. At that time, David Paltrow just released the first version of the program. Recently, he just updated his work and published the newest version of Vitiligo Miracle in September 2020. This latest version is more detailed with a scientific explanation of the 5-step method. He also added the list of household items that are bad for your body in step 5. Compared to the old version, Paltrow doesn’t try to convince his readers that the method is “easy” anymore. Instead, he helped them to set the right expectation right from the beginning.

Vitiligo Miracle Review – Where To Purchase? Is The Program Affordable?

Vitiligo Miracle is available on some online markets. However, we always recommend purchasing products from their official website to get the best price and discount and bonuses. 

The original price of Vitiligo Miracle is $69.99. Let’s take a look at the gels and lotions for treating vitiligo; their costs range from $40 to $65 per tube or bottle. Once you are diagnosed with the disease, you will not be using only one tube. The result depends on how severe your condition is and how much your body adapts to the lotion. In short, there is no guarantee that they will work for you.

The fastest way to get rid of vitiligo immediately is by surgeries. However, it can be costly. In the U.S, the average price for a vitiligo surgery is $2,000 – $4,000. The procedure usually takes from 2 to 4 hours, and bandages remain in place for one week. Let’s not talk about the pain you have to bear after the effect of anesthetic lasts. The biggest risk of taking surgery is that by injecting improper growth medium during the progress, skin cell production can go haywire, resulting in skin cancer. You shall pay a considerable amount of money with a chance of getting some serious health issues. 

Therefore, while $69.99 seems like a high price compared to other online programs, it is reasonable compared to how much it costs to treat vitiligo using conventional methods. But what’s more shocking? THEY ARE RUNNING A SPECIAL DISCOUNT! During the discount period, you can get the full program with only $37! $37 in exchange for a joyful, vitiligo-free life? I’d say it is a real bargain. 

>>> Click Here To Secure Your Exclusive Discount <<<

Let’s imagine your life after 60 days from now. The patches on your skin will disappear, and you shall be more gorgeous than ever. As your confidence is back, you can then enjoy all the exciting activities without fear. You can get close to people with a positive attitude and no longer have to deal with any weird glance. All of those things are priceless, but now, you have a chance to get them at such a reasonable price.

To make the deal even better, as you make your payment, you shall also receive seven free bonuses. 

Bonus 1. The Complete Handbook Of Nature’s Cures.

If you are looking for a way to begin with naturopathy, this bonus can be your kickstart. It is an informative resource on how to treat common illnesses using herbs and plans. You are free to experiment with things by yourself, in the comfort of your home. 

Bonus 2. How And When To Be Your Own Doctor.

“Be Your Own Doctor” introduces you to the theories of naturopathy and the things that set them apart from traditional medical doctors. Here, you will find many real-life examples and fresh ideas on implementing and following a clean diet. 

Bonus 3. The Healing Power Of Water.

This book is an exclusive interview with Dr. Batmanghelidj. If the idea of healing with water is new to you, the third bonus will forever transform your way of seeing H2O. 

Bonus 4. The Ultimate Guide Of Relaxation.

In modern days, many people are sick of constant stress. If you are one of them, The Ultimate Guide Of Relaxation will show you how to take control, soothe anxiety, and welcome relaxation. You will know how to take care of your mental health in every situation. 

Bonus 5. The Beginner Guide To Yoga And Meditation.

How much would it cost you to join a yoga class? Well, now you don’t have to spend a cent! This bonus shows you different yoga styles and guides you step-by-step. You can start practice anywhere and anytime you want. 

The best thing is the program also comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. That means after 60 days, if you don’t see any improvement, you can always request to have your full payment back. It is the ultimate proof that Vitiligo Miracle is not a scam.

Bonus 6: Free Life-Time Update.

David Paltrow promises his users to keep researching, testing, and refining the knowledge to deliver the best to customers. If you make the purchase now, you will get all the new Vitiligo Miracle versions for free. Once you register, they will add your email address to the client-only email list so you can always stay up-to-date on the latest news about the program.

Bonus 7: Free One-On-One Counseling With David Paltrow For 3 Months.

It is the most surprising bonus and also the main reasons I decided to purchase the Vitiligo Miracle. I mean, free private counseling! Who would miss this opportunity? Usually, you will have to pay a thousand dollars for an email counseling session, but now, it is FREE!

The bonus is priceless. It is not only about answering all of your questions and frustration on your way of eliminating vitiligo. It also shows that David Paltrow is willing to be there for you, so you are not alone to fight against this disease. However, this offer is here for a limited time only, so you have to act quickly.

>>> Click Here If You Want To Try Vitiligo Miracle With 100% Risk-Free <<<

Vitiligo Miracle Review – Our Conclusion.

To end our Vitiligo Miracle review, Linkingo thinks that the program is one of the most comprehensive programs in treating vitiligo. It covers a wide range of information, explains every possible cause of the disease, and provides methods you won’t find anywhere to cure the condition for good. 

The program is not flawless, of course. However, the good things it brings outweigh the bad ones. Not only does it help you to get rid of vitiligo and gain back your confidence, but also improve your health in general as well. The method inside Vitiligo Miracle is not easy, of course. However, are you motivated enough to try a real practical solution, even if it requires effort? If you are ready to be free from vitiligo, then don’t waste any moment! 


Thank you so much for your time reading my review on Vitiligo Miracle. If you find it helpful, please like and share it.

Amita Hills

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