
The Thyroid Factor Review – The Best Hypothyroidism Cure For Women?

Many women are concerned about dealing with potential thyroid problems. Some of them have found The Thyroid Factor program, which claims to have the solutions for said problems. A reader, Mary, emailed Linkingo and asked us to review it yesterday. Therefore, we will be doing The Thyroid Factor Review today.

Studies from The American Thyroid Associations showed that women are more vulnerable to hypothyroidism than men. However, most women with this disease are unaware that they have it. Therefore, they overlook the symptoms. One of the symptoms is weight gain, and the women with hypothyroidism are baffled as to why they keep gaining weight despite not eating much.

The Thyroid Factor program promises to have a cure for hypothyroidism. It claims that you will address the problem directly and boost your thyroid to an average level if you follow it. As a result, your body will feel more comfortable and will not gain weight so much anymore. Whether it can do as it says shall be seen in the rest of this review.

What Is “The Thyroid Factor”?

The Thyroid Factor is a digital program that focuses on dealing with hypothyroidism, aka “thyro-pause”. It specifically targets women, especially women over 40, who have this disease. 

The Thyroid Factor PDF

This program is based on thyroid nutrition techniques and strategies that specifically help women optimize their thyroid hormones. It claims that these techniques will boost the thyroid hormones and prevent weight gain that results from hypothyroidism.

The Thyroid Factor Review – How Does It Work?

The Thyroid Factor program works by “thyroid activation”. Because hypothyroidism is a result of thyroid hormones being low, the program boosts thyroid hormones and maintains a balanced level of those hormones. It does that by combining a diet consisting of thyroid-supporting food and the use of some thyroid supplements. 

The program follows three main methods to activate the thyroid:

  1. Detox Thyroid: This is the process of cleaning your body of toxic chemicals. Toxic chemicals can get into our body by eating food sprayed with pesticides or being exposed to an environment with heavy toxins in the air. When our body has many toxic chemicals, it may prevent the thyroid from releasing hormones properly. Therefore, the detoxing process is essential in maintaining good thyroid hormones.
  2. Boost Thyroid: Following the detoxing, this program shows us how to increase thyroid hormones by certain foods or drinks.
  3. Release Thyroid: Finally, after detoxing and boosting, our body will be able to release thyroid hormones naturally. Once the thyroid is working properly, the symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, or appetite loss will disappear.

I have done some research and seen that its approach has scientific backup. Hypothyroidism is indeed a result of low thyroid hormones. To treat this condition, you need to combine taking medications and eating foods that support thyroid hormones. Because the program’s approach is scientifically proven, for now, we can put our trust in it. However, I believe we still need to analyze the program further to come to a concrete conclusion.

The Thyroid Factor Review – Benefits:

The Thyroid Factor program focuses on dealing with hypothyroidism in women. Therefore, it can be useful in these ways:

Help you prevent hypothyroidism: This program has an elaborate plan to avoid hypothyroidism. It provides you with tips to reduce fatigue despite the low thyroid, what thyroid lab test to take, what can boost thyroid, etc. 

– Treat your hypothyroidism naturally: If you was already diagnosed with hypothyroidism, The Thyroid Factor could also help you. It includes a complete guide that tells you what you should eat and what thyroid supplements you should take. Following this guide will help eliminate hypothyroidism along with its symptoms. You will feel better as a result.

– Aid you in losing weight with the 21-day thyroid weight loss system: One of the adverse effects of hypothyroidism is weight gain. The program deals with it by providing nutrition strategies that help counter hypothyroidism’s harmful effects and balance the body. When the body has become balanced, and the thyroid starts releasing hormones naturally, you will lose the extra weight gained due to hypothyroidism.

The Thyroid Factor Review – Author:

According to the official website, this program’s author is Dawn Sylvester. She is a thyroid expert and has spent more than 15 years helping women with thyroid problems. Dawn Sylvester said that she has worked alongside some of the top thyroid and menopause experts in the world to find the best thyroid boosting techniques for women, especially women over 40. 

A photo of Dawn Sylvester (right) and her mother (left).

I looked her up online and found out that she is active on many websites. There is her YouTube channel where she uploads fitness-related videos. She also frequently updates her Twitter account with weight loss and other health-related posts. Amazingly, she is even active on Quora and has answered many questions related to fitness and other bodily concerns.

This additional information showed me that Dawn Sylvester was a real person with genuine accomplishments. She proved to have deep experience and understanding of hypothyroidism specifically and fitness in general. Therefore, I believe that we can trust her credibility.

The Thyroid Factor Review – What Is Inside The Program?

This program has three main components, each with a different approach to improving thyroid hormones:

1) Thyroid Weight Loss System:

It is the main component of The Thyroid Factor program. This part has an elaborate and easy-to-understand nutritional strategy to balance almost every woman’s body. These are some of what you can expect from this part:

– Nuts and seeds recommended: As the name indicates, it tells you what type of nut or seed you can eat for thyroid boost. In particular, one is the cashew nut that has lots of selenium, which significantly supports thyroid hormones.

– Vegetables, fruits, spices, and herbs recommended: You will learn about the kind of vegetable, fruit, or spice that you can add to your diet to benefit thyroid. A notable one is turmeric, which has been proven to help reduce thyroid disease.

– Foods to avoid or limit: Some foods you should avoid altogether to prevent interference with thyroid function. However, some foods can help with hypothyroidism, but you should eat them moderately so their effects will not backfire. For instance, even though iodine is necessary for thyroid, excessive iodine consumption might cause thyroid dysfunction.

– Smoothie recipes: This part introduced 50 smoothie recipes that benefit thyroid function. With so many recipes, your thyroid boost diet will be a lot more exciting and delicious.

There are additional recommendations for foods that make your belly flatter, as well.

2) 101 Thyroid Boosting Foods:

As the name indicates, this second component recommends 101 kinds of thyroid-boosting foods. With as many as 101 foods, your diet will not be restricting but still provide the vital factors to boost thyroid hormones. These are a few foods recommended in this part:

  • Eggs: Eggs contain plenty of selenium (22% of the RDA). They also have small amounts of other vitamins and minerals, including zinc.

And these are just the tip of the iceberg. There are still so many other thyroid-boosting foods that the program will tell you about.

3) Thyroid Jumpstart Guide:

The final component of The Thyroid Factor is a simple step-by-step guide to start the thyroid lifestyle. These are what this part can offer you:

– Give tips to regain energy and feel better, both physically and mentally, for women with low thyroid: Hypothyroidism can cause fatigue and make you tired. This part contains advice that helps you overcome fatigue and feel more refreshed. 

– Thyroid suppressing foods that you must avoid: Your usual diet may contain foods or beverages that suppress thyroid hormones. For instance, studies have proven that alcohol can cause harmful effects on the functioning of the thyroid. It can cause cellular toxicity that directly suppresses thyroid function or blunt thyrotropin-releasing hormone response that suppresses thyroid indirectly. And there are other foods and drinks with a negative effect on thyroid function that you might not know. This part tells you about them so you will know what to avoid.

Which thyroid test is better for you: The thyroid tests available are the T3, T3RU, T4, and TSH. This part will tell you which test is the best one for your condition.

– Thyroid support supplements that you should take/avoid: There are many thyroid supplements out there, but that does not mean you can use them. The author will use her experience to tell you what supplement is more beneficial.

– Thyroid minerals and nutrients can help in healthy thyroid production: One such nutrient is selenium, as mentioned above. Selenium is vital for the metabolism and normal function of thyroid hormones. When you read this part, you will find other necessary minerals and nutrients for the thyroid as well.

– A 24-Hour Thyroid Detox Jumpstart: Finally, the author introduces you to a meal plan to follow right away to start the thyroid lifestyle. This meal plan will detox your body of thyroid-suppressing toxic chemicals and provides you with thyroid-boosting nutrients quickly.

>>> Click Here To Download All Three Ebooks <<<

The Thyroid Factor Review – Pros And Cons:


  • Easy to understand: The author made sure that as many people can understand the program without difficulty.
  • Very detailed information about hypothyroidism: Personally, this is the most significant advantage of this program. Many women are unaware of hypothyroidism, so they may not know clearly what it is and what they should do to deal with it. However, The Thyroid Factor has included everything you should know about this disease. What foods to eat, what foods to avoid, and fatigue-reducing tips are all inside the program. There are even thyroid tests and minerals recommendations. All you need to do is read the program, and you will learn everything.
  • Well laid-out nutrition plan, no restrictive diet: The Thyroid Factor made it clear that while weight loss is also a vital goal of the program, it considers thyroid-boosting much more critical. Therefore, the program’s diet contains various varieties of foods that you can choose without feeling restricted. And those foods have plenty of other benefits aside from thyroid-boosting, which will improve your general health a lot.
  • Inexpensive and easy-to-find ingredients: Most if not all of the foods the program recommends are available in your local supermarket.
  • Suitable for women of all ages: Although the program’s primary target is women over 40, women of all other age groups can use it if they also have hypothyroidism.
  • Convenient and time-saving: The only thing this program requires you is to change your diet and consider taking some supplements. Other than that, you do not have to do exercises or make any drastic changes to your lifestyle. It makes the program very useful for busy women.
  • 100% refund guarantee: The author promises to return your money within 60 days of purchasing if you do not enjoy the program.


  • Digital format only: This program is only available in digital form. If you prefer reading a printed book, you may print it out yourself for more convenience.
  • Not very suitable for men: Because hypothyroidism is a lot more common in women, this program focuses entirely on them. Most, if not all, of the advice and recommendations, were created with only the ladies in mind. Therefore, the men who have hypothyroidism might need to look for other programs that suit them.
  • Your results may vary: The author has indeed researched a lot and made sure that her program suited as many people as possible. However, it might not work for you as effectively as it does others.
  • No bonus: The Thyroid Factor only has the three main components and does not offer any bonuses.

Who Needs The Thyroid Factor Program?

In general, any woman struggling with hypothyroidism will benefit from this program. It is easy-to-understand, detailed, and has a complete guide to everything you need to know about your conditions. 

The Thyroid Factor is especially useful for women over 40 because the author designed it with this target in mind. Women at this age group tend to face more trouble with hormonal imbalance, leading to hypothyroidism and its awful symptoms. The author stated that she went through this, too, and knew how bad it was. Therefore, she was determined to make sure this program can help women at this age.

And if you are concerned about your weight, this program can help you as well. By providing necessary nutrients that improve your hypothyroidism, the weight gain that resulted from your condition will disappear.

Who Does Not Need It?

Rather obviously, you do not need this program if you do not have hypothyroidism. And if you have the opposite disease, hyperthyroidism, this program will be even less necessary. The Thyroid Factor focuses on curing low thyroid hormones. Using it when you have the opposite problem of thyroid hormones being too high will undoubtedly backfire.

And if you do suffer from hypothyroidism but are male, this program will not be for you. We suggest you should look for other programs or other treatments that specifically target men.

The Thyroid Factor Review – Customer Feedback

Curiously, the official website does not show any customer feedback. The closest thing to feedback is two side-by-side photos that compare the author herself before and after following this program. And I have not managed to find a lot of feedback from other sites, either. However, the feedback I could find is very positive.

(Source: Regionvavid)

Therefore, I believe that the lack of feedback was just because the program is not very well-known, rather than a lack of quality in the product itself. The author’s credibility also played a large factor in convincing me to buy The Thyroid Factor.

The Thyroid Factor Review – Price & Refund Policy:

This program is available only on the official website. The big disadvantage is that it does not offer other bonuses. You will get the three main components. However, that is probably why the price is relatively affordable. The author stated that her female clients have to pay $197.88 for the 21-day guide if they consulted her directly, and her financial advisor suggested this program would be $97.88. But because the author wants the program to reach more people, she decreased the price to $37.

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It means that you pay $37 to get three separate components, all of which are useful in dealing with different aspects of hypothyroidism. Considering that each of the parts contains a lot of information, I believe this $37 is reasonable.

And if you are still not sure about buying this program, it offers a 60-day refund guarantee. Within 60 days of purchasing, you can contact ClickBank for a refund if it does not work for you. As one of the components is the 21-day weight loss system, you will have enough time to try the program out and see for yourself. You will not have to risk anything with this program.


=> Try The Thyroid Factor With 100% Risk-Free Here <=

The Thyroid Factor Review – Conclusion:

It comes to the end of my review on the Thyroid Factor. Indeed, The Thyroid Factor program will be useful for any woman, especially those over 40, who want to be free of hypothyroidism. Written by a thyroid expert and includes all kinds of essential and useful information, this program proves to be good as it claims. Its other advantages, such as not having restrictive diets and being time-saving, makes it even more worth considering.

You can make your purchase on the official website for $37, a reasonable enough price. And there is the 60-day refund policy to back you up if you end up not satisfied with the program.


Thank you for reading my Thyroid Factor Review. I hope you find it useful. If you have any questions or comments, we are more than happy to hear from you. Until next time!


Amita Hills

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