
Eat Stop Eat Review: Does Brad Pilon’s Method Work? Any Side Effects?

Welcome to our website. Our post today will be a review on Eat Stop Eat program by Brad Pilon.

In the struggle of sorting out an appropriate weight-loss method, you may, more than once, want to go for a diet. However, even when taking a diet, you are still so confused about choosing among heaps of attractive and seemingly promising diets such as Keto, Atkin, Low-carb, Dukan, etc.

A weight-loss approach has been ruling the roost recently in the community of people being given headaches on how to lose weight effectively, called Intermittent Fasting

Being among the pioneers in digging into Intermittent fasting, Eat Stop Eat has received a great deal of concern from many customers. But your big question is that “Is the product genuinely effective as it claims?”. The Eat Stop Eat review today is going to clarify your inquiry by giving the most objective and fair remarks. 

About Eat Stop Eat

Eat Stop Eat is a guide book for dieters who want to try the Intermittent Fasting method. It comes in 2 primary forms: physical book and PDF e-book. 

Eat Stop Eat PDF

It is believed to be a very detailed explanation of how the Intermittent fasting method works scientifically and how it is used for weight loss.

You can simply implement this dietary restriction method by having one or two days a week in which you abstain from eating for the whole 24-hour period. 

For instance, if you choose your fasting day is 24 hours, from 8 a.m. Monday to 8 a.m. Tuesday, you’ll have to make sure you do not take any calories from food within those hours. 

Instead, you can have your meal before 8am. Monday and after that time on Tuesday. However, you are still allowed to drink water or any type of beverages that are sugar-free or unsweetened without calories. 

For the other days of the week, you can eat everything you want as long as they do not exceed the calories you need. 

Basically, Eat Stop Eat makes use of the Calorie Deficit mechanism to control the calorie intake of your body, thus, helping you lose weight. 

Eat Stop Eat Review: Who Is The Author?

Speaking of the author, Brad Pilon is a Canadian national with a graduate degree in Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences. He is one of the world’s leading advocates of Intermittent Fasting and is known for sensible methods in enhancing health, losing fat, and building muscle. Brad owns a website that contains his writings about various topics, namely Muscle Building, Weight Loss, Healthy Ramblings, etc.

Brad Pilon Blog

Moreover, according to my extensive investigation, Brad also has a Facebook account with more than 16,000 followers and a YouTube channel in which he uploads the posts and videos about Eat Stop Eat, the tips & experience in fasting, workouts with nearly 8,000 subscribers.

Brad Pilon Facebook Page


Brad Pilon Youtube Channel

Brad has felt a great passion for Muscle and Fitness ever since he was still a student in grade school. Eat Stop Eat was the result of his Graduate research at University of  University of Guelph, Guelph Ontario, Canada, and the watershed where he realized many things we reckon to be “required” or “needed” to be in fine fettle turn out to be somehow unnecessary. 

The special thing is that Brad did not have faith in the Intermittent Fasting method at first, and was about to prove it wrongfulness until his epiphany on the metabolic effects of Short Term fasting later on. That is how Eat Stop Eat was born. 

Given the above, we can see that Brad is a prestigious author as he has received a lot of attention and support from the audience.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Before stepping into assessing Eat Stop Eat, we should first go through the basic information about Intermittent fasting. 

Scientifically, Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating method with emphasis on the reduction of the meal frequency. More understandably, IF does not tell you what to eat, but it shows you when to eat and when to stop. 

There have been numerous studies about the positive effects of Intermittent fasting. Accordingly, IF is proven to generate many benefits as below:

  • Extend lifespan
  • Increase resistance to age-related diseases
  • Improve the health of overweight humans, enhance cardiovascular and brain functions
  • Help losing weight
  • Improve several risk factors for coronary artery disease and stroke, including a reduction in blood pressure and increased insulin sensitivity.

The beneficial effects of IF result from two mechanisms: (1) 

  • reduced oxidative damage
  • increased cellular stress resistance.

Recent findings suggest that some of the beneficial effects of IF on both the cardiovascular system and the brain are mediated by brain-derived neurotrophic factor signaling in the brain. 

Interestingly, the cellular and molecular effects of IF on the cardiovascular system and the brain are similar to those of regular physical exercise. 

Those interesting findings all conclude that IF can generate the effects that are similar to those when people do exercises. 

Eat Stop Eat Review – What You Can Find In The Program?

The table of contents has shown the meticulousness of the author. We can easily notice that this book covers a wide range of topics from the fundamental definition of Fasting, its effects on many aspects of human health to the common misconceptions of fasting and how to apply it correctly, … 

A sneak peek at the topics covered throughout the book.

With 190 pages and 27 chapters, we can simply categorize the content of the book into 5 main groups:

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  • The Exordium – the introduction of the book
  • The science and research behind intermittent fasting (notion of fasting, effects of fasting on your metabolism/brain/muscle mass, misconceptions of fasting and its benefits for health)
  • How to do intermittent fasting for the best results possible – the most important part in which Pilon gives his instructions about the Eat Stop Eat way of life, how to apply Eat Stop Eat, how long it takes for a session, what to do while fasting and fasting for women in particular.
  • The best methods for workouts and fasting when combined to optimize the effects of Eat Stop Eat
  • The conclusion, FAQs, and references.

A long and diverse table of content shows the concentration of Eat Stop Eat on real scientific facts behind weight loss and nutrition; and on re-correcting all the nonsense the weight loss industry has tricked everyone into believing. 

Some customers grumble over the lengthiness of the book, and say it does not go straight into the main point. But from a more open perspective, by doing this, the program can provide you with well-grounded and fact-driven information.

What Are The Benefits of Eat Stop Eat Method?

As promoted, Eat Stop Eat can: 

  • Increase the Human Growth Hormone (GH) level in your body: GH serves as a fat burner in the metabolism.  It forces the fat cells to release fat for energy. Correspondingly, the higher the level of GH your body has, the more fat it can burn.
  • Work as a cleanser and a detoxicant for your body by activating a process called Autophagy responsible for repairing damaged and defective organelles, cell membranes, and cellular proteins.
  • Help you lose weight without any muscle loss and even getting new muscle by:
      • Lowering chronic inflammation to boost the damage-repairing process of the body.
      • Enhancing cell health and detox to prepare for growth.
      • Augmenting the growth effects of insulin on muscle cells as insulin is a crucial substance in building muscle. Insulin deficiency will lead to muscle loss.
      • Keeping your testosterone levels stable.
  • Boost your metabolism with three fat-burning bio-factors including:
      • Insulin Sensitivity: Lowering the insulin level – the obstacle in the fat burning process by two-third, thus, allowing your body to burn fat more rapidly.
      • Fat Oxidation: burning fat for fuel 4 times faster with Eat Stop Eat.
      • Metabolic Rate: help losing but not hurting the metabolism.
  • Slow down the aging process by reversing chronic inflammation: halving the markers of chronic inflammation, activating the healing mechanism of the body.

Review On Eat Stop Eat – Pros and Cons


  • Trusted author

It is somewhat relieving to know that the author of the book is a well-educated person.

He had majored in Biology and Nutrition Sciences, and had done many reasearch on this work for quite a long time before he put it into practice. 

  • Information supported with scientific grounds:

In addition, the advertising information of the product is presented clearly on the official website.

 We can easily notice that with each function in the promotion, they would also attach various detailed grounds, warrants, examples, and figures to make things more convincing. 

  • Well-recognised method:

Intermittent fasting is no longer a strange method in the community of people searching for ways of losing weight. Numerous experts and scientists have taken out studies to examine the effectiveness of this method. 

  • Scientific evidence of existence:

Intermittent fasting in general and Eat Stop Eat, in particular, may be generally successful for weight loss. Based on the calorie deficit principle, it can really help to lose 3 to 8% more weight in a 3 to 24 week period than other diets. It also reduces muscle loss more than the normal calorie deficit regime, increasing energy metabolism to 3.6-14% in the short term.

At the same time, there are studies and research pointing out other health-related benefits Intermittent fasting brings about. 

In a study on the effects of Intermittent fasting, Dr. Mattson and his colleague Rafael de Cabo at the aging institute have figured out a great function of Intermittent fasting.

Accordingly, IF  possesses a robust disease-modifying ability on  a wide range of chronic disorders including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers and neurodegenerative brain diseases.  

Simultaneously,  the review of human studies found improvements in a variety of health indicators like insulin resistance, blood fat abnormalities, high blood pressure, and inflammation, even independently of weight loss  and a slowing or reversing of aging and disease processes. 

After going through a lot of research with a skeptical mindset, I know that most of the information about Eat Stop Eat promoted on their website is rather science-based and reliable. 


  • Not suitable for everyone:

If you are considering intermittent fasting, make sure to discuss it with your doctor. 

Skipping meals and severely restricting calories can be unsafe for people with certain conditions, such as diabetes. People who have hypertension or heart disease also may be more prone to electrolyte abnormalities from fasting. Also, we are living in a toxic, obesogenic food environment. So you’ll need a strong social support network to endure very-low-calorie days over the long haul.

  • Giving rise to extreme eating habits:

Intermittent fasting can induce extreme eating habits, namely eating disorders. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey can be regarded as an example as he subscribes to a fasting routine and eats a single meal on weeknights followed by a weekend-long deficit, which is believed to negatively affect the normal operation of the body in the long run. 

  • Requiring endurance and constancy

Moreover, make sure that you are patient enough to stick to the plan and not fall out in the middle of the racecourse. According to Harvard Health Publishing, 38% of people give up on Intermittent fasting – a very high dropout rate among the people assigned to the fasting regimen. 

Once you take ship for Intermittent fasting, you will have to be extremely strict to yourself. Always control your appetite and hunger to avoid the biological push to overeat while going on an Intermittent fasting session. 

What Do Customers Say About The Method?

It is not so difficult to find positive comments on this product when many customers show their preference for it. The majorities of Eat Stop Eat buyers agree that it is very easy to follow. It does not try to convince you it is the only weight loss method as well.

Also, many customers have admitted that Eat Stop Eat method does generate expected results  in quite a short time. More importantly, there is a big compliment for the compelling case, based on research evidence of Brad Pilon’s book. 

However, according to numerous buyers, Eat Stop Eat is pretty lengthy when spending the first 10 pages on the exordium. One feedback from a customer named Amber Tucker says that the book has dismal grammar and punctuation at times, and several confusing capitalizations, which makes him really annoyed. 

Additionally, there were some complaints about the material and the size of the physical book. More specifically, the book is neither made of high-quality material nor is of appropriate size. It causes the readers’ difficulty  in see clearly what is on the pages.

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Eat Stop Eat Review – How Much Does It Cost?

There are being 3 options for you to choose comprising of 

  • Instant Access Digital Version and Free Bonuses
  • Physical book + Instant Access Digital Version and Free Bonuses
  • Physical book + Free Bonuses

The producer is offering the first option at $10, and the rest two at $19. 

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Apparently, the price has been lowered quite a lot as previously it cost $49.95 for each version of this product, which is pretty pricey in comparison with its actual value. 

With at least $10 and a maximum of $19, you can both get their Free Bonuses FREE access to his VIP insider email coaching service and an Eat Stop Eat Quick Start Guide

A combo of physical & digital version of the book with two more free bonuses is a good deal compared to the third option at the same price. 

Dieters who want to try Eat Stop Eat should be quick as this promotion is only available in July.

However, some people find the price too high yet still want to experience Eat To Eat Method.

For those, I highly recommend you guys buy the digital version. Correspondingly, you can save your money as well as the shipping time, and still get their bonuses.

What if you consistently preferred the physical version of the book? It’s ok. You can purchase it without worrying because Eat Stop Eat guarantees you with a money-back policy

If, after 60 days of trying so hard, you still cannot see any positive results, Eat Stop Eat will give you a 100% refund without questions. 

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It come to the end of my review of Eat Stop Eat. Generally, Eat Stop Eat uses the Intermittent fasting as a weight-loss method primarily based on the calorie deficit mechanism. As long as you do not overeat during the time you can eat, the effectiveness will be promoted.

Despite the good reputation of this eating protocol, it may not be appropriate for everyone. People sensitive to blood sugar, pregnant and lactating women are not among the candidate for this method.

Also, they do not reccommend children and adolescents who are undernourished and underweight to use this eating protocol.

Make sure you consult your physician before going for any weight loss strategy to avoid unexpected and side effects. 


Thank you so much for your time reading our Eat Stop Eat review. Please feel free to share your experience and comments with us. See you in our next posts!

Amita Hills

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