Dietary Supplement

Cacao Bliss Review – Lose Weight By Eating Chocolate Every Day?

Welcome to today’s article on Linkingo’s Cacao Bliss Review! Before looking into the product, I have a question for you: 

Have you ever thought that chocolate can help you to lose weight? 

Well, that sounds a bit … extraordinary, right? All of us know that chocolate, the rich, sweet, milky chocolate that we all love, is high in calories, sugar, and fat. According to research, 100g chocolate (equal to 8 squares) adds over 400 calories to your diet. Consuming this delicious sweet every day will inevitably contribute to weight gain. 

But …

A few days ago, we received an email from one of our readers, Alissa:

“Hi, Linkingo,

Something has been bothering me recently, and I would love to get your advice on that. You know, I’m a HUGE fan of chocolate. Anywhere, anytime, I shall never refuse a bit of that wonderful sweet treat … until my doctor advised me to eliminate it from my meals. She said that my blood sugar level is a bit high, and I have to stop eating sweet foods in general if I don’t want to be diagnosed with diabetes. 

But it is hard for me to get rid of chocolates. When I’m in a bad mood, just a bit of it can lift my mood magically. I know this sounds weak and ridiculous, but it took a lot of courage for me to say ‘No, thank you’ to chocolate for the last month! When I thought I couldn’t stand it anymore and was about to ‘cheat’ my diet, I found a product called Cacao Bliss. It was said to be a guilt-free form of chocolate that tastes just like the food I love but doesn’t pill on the calories. Most importantly, this product can keep my blood sugar low! 

I almost clicked the ‘purchase’ button immediately, but then I stopped. This product sounded so unbelievable. It seemed too good to be true. I mean, a kind of chocolate that you can consume as much as you want without worrying about your body and health? Could that EVER exist? 

So I hoped you could take a look at this product. I’ve been reading all of your articles for the last few years, and I know that Linkingo is a site I can trust when it comes to product reviews.”

Hi Alissa, 

Linkingo team is so happy to receive your love and support. As a sweet lover, I FULLY understand how distressing it is to refuse your favorite treats. Therefore, I’m glad to help you out. 

It took me a few days to check up this product because I want to deliver the most honest and transparent perspective to my readers. If you are skeptical about Cacao Bliss, just like Alissa, then please read our Cacao Bliss review to the end. After that, I’m sure you will be able to make the right decision. 

What Exactly Is Cacao Bliss?

On the official website, Cacao Bliss claims to be the “most delicious superfood on the planet that will make anyone feel good”. I’m not exaggerating. According to the manufacturer of this product, this type of chocolate shall fill your body with joy, pleasure, or whatever you might call it. Sounds indeed tempting, right?

In short, Cacao Bliss is a superfood supplement that was made with the same plant we use to make chocolate. The product comes in a package; each package contains pure organic raw cacao powder. It is chocolate, but the type of chocolate before it is put into processing. 

“No one knows about the true value of raw cacao”, the creator of Cacao Bliss wrote, “everyone is just consuming the regular cocoa powder, which has been processed and therefore, contains just a fraction of the nutrition value of raw cacao. Never in my life did I feel such a strong desire to let everyone know about this blissful ingredient, and I wanted to make sure that everyone knows about raw cacao – the most wonderful food in the entire world.” 

So basically, after skimming through the website of this product, we can see why Cacao Bliss claimed to be unique: It is developed with raw cacao and contains no chemical ingredients. Therefore, it becomes a healthy supplement. But what kind of benefits will it offer to your body, and most importantly, is it THAT magical? We shall have to look deeper into Cacao Bliss to find out. 

Cacao Bliss Review – Who Is The Creator?

Danette May

Cacao Bliss is the brainchild of Danette May. When I saw this name, I had a feeling that it sounded familiar. And yes, I indeed have heard of Danette before. She is famous as a leading healthy lifestyle expert, fitness coach, and nutritionist. Unlike the creators of other supplements, Danette May does not hesitate to show her true identity. It is easy to find her on social media, as she owns a website, a Youtube channel, and a Facebook page where she frequently chats with her followers and shares her advice regarding fitness. Her page, so far, has reached more than 1.600.000 followers:

Danette May Fanpage


Danette May Youtube Channel

If you look at today’s Danette May, you might think that she is the role model for women in the 21st century: She is beautiful with a lean shape and a bright smile. She has a bright personality, and people admire her for contributing to the health and fitness field. However, little did you know what she had been through before becoming herself today. Danette had gone through the death of her son, divorce, and financial struggle. Just when she thought she was in the darkest days of her life, she discovered raw cacao. The desire to bring this superfood to people across the globe helped her to overcome personal tragedy. 

As I took a look at this woman, I found that Cacao Bliss was not her only works. Danette May has published some weight-loss programs before, such as “The Whole You Healing Detox” or “The Rise”. They received relatively high ratings on Amazon for being practical and motivating.

However, this is the first time she experimented with a supplement, so we will need to look deeper into the product to see if Danette May meets her followers’ expectations. 

The Manufacturer Of Cacao Bliss

The manufacturer of Cacao Bliss is Earth Echo Foods LLC. As I checked their website, Earth Echo Foods sustainably sourced only organic, non-GMO products. Their motto is “When you feel good, you do good”. Therefore, they strive to bring only healthy ingredients to their customers.

>>> Learn More About The Creator And The Manufacturer <<<

Cacao Bliss Ingredients?

When we want to confirm the quality of a supplement, we must first check the ingredients. Many people thought that the Cacao Bliss product consists of only raw cacao. However, it is not true. This supplement contains many other superfoods, and each has its benefit:

Cacao Bliss Ingredients

Organic Cacao Powder.

Scientists prove that cacao is a rich source of flavanols. Therefore, it works as an antioxidant for your body. Cacao can also prevent inflammation. But that’s not the most “magical” thing about this ingredient. When you are happy, your body shall produce a substance called anandamide, which has many positive effects on the brain’s nervous system, such as improving mental clarity, lessening anxiety, and preventing depression. However, during the day, this substance shall gradually be broken down. Cacao will slow down the progress and make anandamide’s effects stay for longer. That’s why the manufacturer introduced Cacao Bliss as “the kind of food that will make everyone feels good”.


Since the old age, this spice has long been a powerful antioxidant and works effectively against your body’s inflammation. Moreover, it can reverse the aging process and protect your body from diseases by reducing oxidative harm. 

Black Pepper.

Along with turmeric, black pepper can increase your anandamide level. It is all thanks to the “piperine” substance inside this ingredient. 

Ceylon Cinnamon.

Ceylon cinnamon works as a pleasant flavor to Cacao Bliss. According to customers’ feedback, many said that they loved the aroma of cinnamon presented in the mix. But it is not the only effect. Ceylon cinnamon works to fight against free radicals, which contribute to many diseases and accelerate the aging process. What’s more, it also significantly lowers the blood sugar level, protecting you from diabetes and heart disease.

Himalaya Salt.

It is a special type of salt, which contains over 84 minerals and traces of elements. Aside from balancing your body’s pH level, Himalaya salt also adds a taste to the mix. 

Monk Fruit And Coconut Nectar.

These two ingredients play the role of natural sweeteners. If you find yourself continuously crave sweets, they will satisfy your taste. The best thing is they contain zero calories, so you can have your favorite sweet without worrying about weight gain

Cacao Bliss Review – What Do You Get When You Order?

Being a chocolate lover, I purchased the product. When I just received my order, I was surprised by how professional and elegant it looked, despite it coming in a package instead of a box: 

However, you should be careful when you unpack the product. There was not a sealed bag inside, so I almost let some pilled out while opening. Some customers also reported the same issue. 

The photo on the official website can be somewhat misleading. When I looked at it, I expected to receive two packs of Cacao Bliss. It turned out that the manufacturer only wanted to show the front and the back of the pack. The product only came in one single pack, and the net weight is 8.34oz. 

Will Consuming Cacao Bliss Every Day Bring Any Benefit To You?

Compared to traditional chocolate, the cacao powder used to create Cacao Bliss did not undergo any procession. Therefore, it still can keep raw nutrition. As a result, if you use this product, you will:

  • Be able to have your favorite sweet treats without any guilt.
  • Have an uplifting to your mood and experience a calm state of happiness.
  • Reduce your craving for sugars.
  • Ingest a superfood that can boost your natural energy and mental health.
  • Decrease your body’s inflammation.
  • Support your weight loss goal.
  • Reverse your aging process.

How Does The Cacao Bliss Taste Like?

One of the things people are curious the most is, “how does the Cacao Bliss taste like?”. Of course, the manufacturer would like you to believe that this is the best alternative to traditional chocolate. However, its flavor does not strictly resemble chocolate products. Most users said that it was not as sweet, with an earthly taste. 

As I tried Cacao Bliss, the mix has a thick, smooth, earthly flavor, and the aroma is stronger than chocolate. A small group of users took a while to get used to the taste of Cacao Bliss, though, since the taste of the monk fruit might not be familiar to them. 

How To Use Cacao Bliss?

Danette May recommends her customers to consume one scoop (~7.88g) daily. 

As the product comes in powder form, you can use it for just any recipes. Around 85% of the reviews agree that Cacao Bliss can make the best sweet treats. You can add it to your coffee as an alternative to your sweetener, or use it for baking cookies. There are a lot of recipes available online. My friend tried to mix Cacao Bliss with hot unsweetened vanilla almond milk, and she said it was the best chocolate milk she had ever tasted. You might take this as a suggestion, too. 

Cacao Bliss Review – Who Should Use This Product?

After trying the Cacao Bliss product, I conclude that it is specifically for: 

  • Anyone who would like to find a healthy alternative to chocolate products.
  • Those who are dealing with problems such as high blood sugar or fighting diseases like diabetes.
  • Those who want to lose weight.
  • People who are allergic to milk products can consume Cacao Bliss as well, as it does not contain any dairy ingredient.
  • Vegans or those on a diet are welcome to try the product as well, as it is 100% natural, vegan-friendly, and low in calories.

And Who Should Not?

  • In my review of Cacao Bliss, I would like to note that the taste of this product is not 100% similar to chocolate products. Therefore, if you expect to find something that tastes exactly like chocolate, this product is not for you.
  • Although only a minimal amount, raw cacao also contains caffeine. Therefore, pregnant and nursing women should be cautious not to consume too much of Cacao Bliss. Caffeine might be associated with premature labor and miscarriage.

Cacao Bliss Review – Pros And Cons Of The Product.

Below I will list out all the advantages of the Cacao Bliss product: 

    • Trusted creator: Danette May is famous in the US for being a health expert and nutritionist. You can find her on social media or her official website, and she is very responsive. Moreover, her previous works are tried by millions of people across the globe and received positive feedback. You don’t have to worry about giving your money to a random scammer.
    • Professional packaging: The package of Cacao Bliss is elegant and pleasant.
    • 100% natural ingredients: The product does not contain any chemical ingredients. It consists of only herbs and plants that are harvested from certified producers. Anyone can consume Cacao Bliss without worrying about side-effect.
    • You can cook almost anything with this product: Personally, I think the creator is very understanding when she delivers Cacao Bliss in powder form, not as a chocolate bar or milk. You can get creative, bake yourself some cacao cakes, or simply add flavor to your coffee.
    • Last but not least, now you can enjoy your sweet treats without worrying about your body and health.
    • A 60-day money-back guarantee policy protects you.

However, there are still some cons of this product:

  • For some people, it might take time to get used to the taste: This is not exactly a con. However, in my Cacao Bliss review, I would still want to warn you that it doesn’t taste exactly like chocolate. You might not be familiar with the taste of natural sweeteners immediately.
  • There isn’t a sealed bag inside: You have to be very careful not to let the powder pills out when you unpack.

Cacao Bliss Customer Support Contact

Cacao Bliss Review – What Did Customers Say?

Most of the reviews I found on the internet about Cacao Bliss are positive. Many customers said that they love the flavor since it is not too sweet like original chocolate. The texture also received many compliments, as it is rich and smooth, very satisfying to add in any kind of deserts:

Many customers said they enjoy using Cacao Bliss with coffee or mixing with coconut or almond milk as a healthy drink. They also use it in smoothies and bliss ball recipes and enjoy them very much.

However, a small group of customers disagreed, saying that they didn’t like the taste of this product. As mentioned, Cacao Bliss uses monk fruits as a natural sweetener instead of its commonly used counterparts. Therefore, some of them feel that the taste is strange:

Whether you will like it or not depends on your taste, so it is up to you to decide whether Cacao Bliss is for you.

>>> Find More Feedback From Other Customers <<<

Cacao Bliss Review – Price & Purchase Policy.

We highly recommend you purchase the product from its official website for the best price, discount, and more benefits. You can buy it from other websites, but there is no discount or bonuses to come with your order. Moreover, on the official website, there are three options for you to choose from: 

  • Individual Package: If you only plan to try Cacao Bliss once, you can choose this deal. One package comes at the price of $53.95.
  • Chocolate Lovers: This combo offers you 3 packs of Cacao Bliss at the price of $149.95, which means around $49 each.
  • Family Package: This is the most popular combo, and also the one with the best value. If you purchase this, you will receive 4 packs PLUS 1 FOR FREE. All together they cost around $39.

>>> Click Here To Buy Cacao Bliss From The Manufacturer ( Discount Applied) <<<


If you get Cacao Bliss from the official website, you will also receive two bonuses:

Cacao Bliss Recipes – Cacao Lovers Cookbook

As mentioned above, Cacao Bliss is a versatile product. With this bonus, you will learn how to make use of it to the fullest. This cookbook contains simple and delicious dessert recipes, all using Cacao Bliss as the main ingredient. You shall know how to make a guilt-free chocolate cake or cacao coconut balls within 10 minutes!

Bliss Meditations:

After a hard-working day, what’s better than sitting down and relax with a cup of rich, hot cacao? This bonus contains two powerful meditations you can listen to while enjoying yourself. With this, you shall be able to achieve more peace and tranquility in your life and get ready for a new day with max energy.

Cacao Bliss Refund Policy

You also have a 60-day money-back guarantee as to your back up. It means during 60 days after the purchase; you are free to try out the Cacao Bliss, without any risk. If you are not happy with the product, you can request to have a refund. Please save your order ID, though, since you will need to provide the ID to get your refund. 

Shipping time will be in 5 – 7 working days within the US and 10 – 15 days for countries in Europe. The shipping fee is $14.96 worldwide.

>>> Try Cacao Bliss With 100% Risk-Free <<<

Our Final Verdict.

Although not flawless, Cacao Bliss is an ideal product for those who want to enjoy their sweet treats, yet are afraid of harming their health and weight gain. Chocolate-related products are often associated with health risks and weight gain, so we think it would be hard to find a product like this. 

Moreover, you have a 60-day money-back guarantee to protect yourself, so why don’t you give it a try and taste your hearty sweets? It would be an exciting experience! 

>>> Secure Your Maximum Discount Here <<<

Lastly, thank you so much for your time reading our review on Cacao Bliss. If you have tried the product, we are welcome to share your experience and leave your comments below. See you in our next posts.

Amita Hills

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