Dietary Supplement

Blood Sugar Breakthrough Review: Does It Really Work?

Before getting to our Blood Sugar Breakthrough review, let’s admit it: Type 2 diabetes has always been a nightmare for everyone. Back then, there was a common mindset that type 2 diabetes only occurred in people over 45 years old. However, according to statistics, more and more young adults, and even children, are developing it. As you can see, diabetes is now the whole society’s concert. 

But what leads to this expansion of age range? According to experts, it is due to an unhealthy lifestyle that teenagers and young adults lead. In the modern days, our daily diet, which includes more processed foods full of fat and sugar, has put young people at risk. Other causes are stress, air pollution, genetic factors, and so on. 

As the number of type 2 diabetes cases keeps rising over the years, you can find tons of supplements that claim to be a safe recovery of the disease. They are available online and in the retail market, but it is tough to tell which one is right for you. In the Blood Sugar Breakthrough review today, let’s take a deep look at this product. We will analyze its strengths and weaknesses and see whether it can be an effective method to tackle type 2 diabetes or not! 

What Exactly Is Blood Sugar Breakthrough?

As introduced on the official website, Blood Sugar Breakthrough is a dietary supplement, specifically helps users stabilize their blood sugar levels and rebalance their metabolism. Furthermore, it also curves one’s appetite, takes care of sudden hunger pangs, cravings for sugar, and energy dips. The supplement comes in the form of pills, with each bottle containing 60 capsules. 

The formula is 100% organic and consists of only natural components. Therefore, it poses no risk to users’ bodies and can be consumed even by vegetarians. 

Captivating, isn’t it? While many people might be eager to give Blood Sugar Breakthrough a try after reading this description, I skimmed through the official website with little to no interest. “It is too early to judge the quality of this supplement just by reading the advertisement”, I thought. I just noticed when it claimed to “help countless people get over their dependence on insulin shots and medications that most doctors require them to continue forever”. 

Well, now that’s provocative! We all know that insulin therapy and medication are the most common methods to treat type 2 diabetes. Once a patient begins this regimen, though, they usually have to stick with them for life. Most type 2 diabetes supplements only claim to support the condition. This is the first time one of them can promise to free users from insulin shots and pills. 

Then, it leads to another question: Who are the people behind Blood Sugar Breakthrough? Are they qualified enough to be so confident about their product? We will know in a second! 

Blood Sugar Breakthrough Review – About The People Behind It.

You might be glad to know that the distributor of Blood Sugar Breakthrough is quite famous in the health and fitness field. Founded in 2004, for the last 17 years, BiOptimizers has been striving hard to bring their customers the best in health and nutrition supplements. Most importantly, the company associates with Burch University in Sarajevo to create a probiotic lab with multiple PHDs. Therefore, all of their formulas are exclusive and carefully researched by the top experts before launching. 

Blood Sugar Breakthrough is the brainchild of Matt Gallant – the CEO of BiOptimizers. He introduces himself as a kinesiologist and professional athletic trainer who has worked with some of the world’s elite to help them transform their bodies and health. 

Matt Gallant

However, little did people know that he used to suffer from obesity and diabetes. Matt had spent years of research and experiments to save himself from the potential health risks and achieve his ideal shape until he discovered the formula of Blood Sugar Breakthrough. According to Matt, the product is born from pain and passion. You can find him on Instagram under the name “mattgallant” where he shares tips about exercising, diet, and productivity. 

As you can see, the supplement is created by a real expert and backed up by a trustable company. Until now, we can be sure about the quality of Blood Sugar Breakthrough. However, we still need to dig deeper to see if this supplement is the solution for everyone. 

Blood Sugar Breakthrough Review – What Benefits It Delivers?

Here are the benefits of the supplement that BiOptimizers promises to deliver: 

  • Stabilize and promote healthy blood sugar levels within 30 days.
  • Increase blood sugar uptake into muscles instead of fat cells. Hence, it helps users lose weight and gain muscles effectively.
  • Support exercise performance.
  • Boost the carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Improve users’ energy levels and overall health.
  • Neutralize oxidative damage from high blood glucose.
  • Help balance hormones and stress response from blood sugar fluctuations.
  • Prevent mood swings, energy swings, brain fogs, and cravings due to blood sugar fluctuations.
  • Promote mitochondrial uncoupling, which burns more calories at heat.
  • Support a balanced inflammatory response.
  • Support healthy carbohydrate digestion and absorption.

The Scientific Evidence Behind Blood Sugar Breakthrough.

While most people assume that carbs are evil for weight loss, Matt Gallant disproves that. According to him, the problem is not about the carbs you consume but also about how your body absorbs them. Basically, when you eat carbs, your body breaks them down into glucose (sugar) before absorbing them into the blood. With the help of insulin, the glucose then enters your cells and is burned by the whole body for energy. It fuels all of our activities, whether you are exercising or breathing. 

However, if you have low insulin sensitivity, your body shall have difficulty metabolizing glucose. In that case, excessive glucose can be stored as fat, leading to health problems such as diabetes and obesity. What’s more, even if you try to keep the number of carbs consumed at the lowest, they still cannot be burned entirely if you have insulin resistance. 

Some people thought about cutting down carbs entirely from their meals. That’s the core of the Keto diet. However, it might make the situation worse. Recent research has shown that long-term Keto induces severe insulin resistance. Furthermore, many Keto followers noticed a dramatic increase in sex hormone-binding globulins, which lower free testosterone. Hence, Matt Gallant concludes that the best way to stabilize blood sugar and promote good health is to change your way of absorbing carbs and eat carbs at least once a week. 

Blood Sugar Breakthrough has been researched thoroughly to support the absorption of carbs on a cellular level.

The formula works in seven steps:

  • First, it stimulates glucose transporter 4 receptors. This presents in fat, heart, muscles, and muscle cells. As the insulin receptors are activated, the glucose transporter 4 will move on the cells’ surface to make sure that glucose moves around freely within the cells.
  • Next, the supplement activates the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). It is an enzyme that works to activate glucose and fatty acid uptake when the energy is low. With this step, the cells will draw in more glucose.
  • In the third step, the Blood Sugar Breakthrough helps prolong carbohydrate digestion and absorption. This leads to a significant reduction in the glycemic impacts of meals and, as a result, limits blood sugar hikes after a meal.
  • As we move to the fourth step, the supplement entails increasing the presence of glucagon-like peptide 1. It carries anti-inflammatory effects, which deal with insulin resistance caused by inflammation.
  • At the beginning of step 5, insulin signaling pathways shall require stimulation. The supplement provides the stimulation it needs so cells will take less time to take up glucose from the bloodstream.
  • After that, there comes the need to break down fat. This progress is typically attained by proteins such as PPAR-alpha and PPAR-gamma proteins.
  • To wrap up, Matt Gallant adds ingredients that improve mitochondrial function and uncoupling. This helps raise heat and promote fat losses.

One thing I value about Blood Sugar Breakthrough is that it has solid scientific evidence as backup.  Matt Gallant explains in great detail how his supplement works based on only proven research with trusted sources. That makes it very convenient for users to understand how Blood Sugar Breakthrough functions in their bodies and supports their healing progress. 

To better understand how this supplement takes effect, though, we still need to look at the ingredient list. 

Blood Sugar Breakthrough Ingredients.

After spending years researching, Matt Gallant has selected the powerful ingredients to promote the absorption of carbs and stabilize blood sugar levels. Here are some of the most notable ones: 

  • Cinnamon Bark.

For a long time, cinnamon has been famous for its ability to promote healthy blood sugar, stabilize blood pressure, and improve mental performance. A recent study proves cinnamon’s ability to tackle insulin resistance and accelerate glucose metabolism. 

In the formula, though, the team extracted only cinnulin PF – a proprietary finding in cinnamon bark, using Controlled Polymer Purification Technology. This process helps them isolate and potentiate the active ingredients while tackling the potential toxins cinnamon contains. Researchers have shown that cinnulin PF can support healthy blood sugar levels, promote healthy blood pressure, and balance female hormones

  • Bitter Melon Extract.

Bitter melon is a rich source of glycostat – a compound that supports insulin sensitivity and insulin-like action. According to research, consuming a certain amount of bitter melon will help maintain a healthy blood sugar level throughout the day. This ingredient is added to the formula to help prevent the spikes and dips in energy and insulin. 

  • Dilhydro Berberine.

Berberine is a chemical found in the goldenseal plant. While scientists have proven berberine’s effects in burning fat and controlling glucose intake, dihydro berberine has been shown to be 5 times more powerful. It is powerful in activating AMPK, improving insulin sensitivity, and supporting healthy blood glucose and insulin. Most importantly, dilhydro berberin also boosts the body’s composition and nutrient partitioning. 

  • Innoslim.

Innoslim is a compound available in many plants and fruits. However, the Blood Sugar Breakthrough team extracted it from Panax notoginseng. The main reason this ingredient is so effective in burning fat is its significant effect on AMPK. Innoslim nourishes the cells with abundant nutrients to foster a healthy metabolic environment. Most importantly, it possesses the power to eliminate any unwanted fat. 

  • Banaba Leaf Extract.

Banana leaf is a rich source of anti-diabetics and anti-inflammation properties. Hence, it is added to the formula to fight both diabetes and obesity at once. 

Matt Gallant does not hesitate to publish the whole ingredient list on the official website. Linkingo highly advises you to check it out before purchasing, so you can know if you are allergic to any of them and whether this supplement is right. It also proves the confidence Matt places in Blood Sugar Breakthrough and that he can make sure every single ingredient is safe and natural. 

Blood Sugar Breakthrough Review – Dosage.

According to the instructions on the package, users should take two capsules a day with a glass of water. It is best to consume the Blood Sugar Breakthrough supplement after meals since it aids in avoiding post-meal drowsiness. 

Although the supplement consists of only organic ingredients, the team has calculated the best amount you should consume each day to stabilize blood sugar levels. Remember to follow the recommended dosage and do not exceed it. 

Since Blood Sugar Breakthrough can support the effect of exercises, it will work best if you do some light or moderate-intensity exercises while using the supplement. 

Blood Sugar Breakthrough Review – Who Is It For?

The Blood Sugar Breakthrough is for:

  • Anyone with type 2 diabetes.
  • People who want to find a permanent cure for type 2 diabetes without any side effects.
  • People with high blood sugar and at risk of diabetes.
  • Those with no sign of the disease, but want to prevent it from occurring in the future.
  • Those who usually work out to maintain their body shape want to find a supplement that can support exercise performance and promote muscle building without any harmful effects.
  • Those living with high blood pressure and obesity can take advantage of the Blood Sugar Breakthrough as well.

And Who Should Not Use It?

  • Please note that the product is not for children under 18 years old.
  • Since Blood Sugar Breakthrough is 100% natural, users will need to take it consistently for at least 30-60 days to see the effects. If you want something that can show results overnight, Blood Sugar Breakthrough is not suitable for you.
  • If you are allergic to any of the ingredients, you should not take the Blood Sugar Breakthrough. Since you can find the complete list of ingredients on the official website, we recommend checking it carefully.

Pros And Cons Of Blood Sugar Breakthrough.

Below are the things I find valuable about the Blood Sugar Breakthrough: 

  • An authorized company distributes the supplement.
  • It is the brainchild of a real expert with over a decade of working and researching in the health and nutrition field.
  • Blood Sugar Breakthrough has solid scientific evidence as to its backup.
  • It is 100% natural and does not pose any risk to the body.
  • Not only does it deal with blood sugar levels, but it also improves our digestion and transforms our way of absorbing glucose. In short, Blood Sugar Breakthrough allows you to enjoy your favorite foods without having to worry about excessive fat.

Yet, the product does have some flaws: 

  • It takes at least 30 – 60 days for the results to be visible.
  • So far, Blood Sugar Breakthrough is only available for purchase online.
  • According to some customers’ reviews, BiOptimizers’ customer service doesn’t respond fast to questions. However, if you buy the supplement from the main page, you can contact ClickBank whenever you have any problems.

Blood Sugar Breakthrough Customer Reviews & Complaints.

On Trustpilot, the company received a high rating of 4.2 out of 5. Most people compliment BiOptimizers for the excellent quality of their products: 

So far, Blood Sugar Breakthrough hasn’t received any negative comments. However, some customers just complain about the long shipping time and slow-response customer service: 

To reach out to the distributor of the product, you can call their hotline at 1-800-719-2467. They are also available on different social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube. 

Blood Sugar Breakthrough Review – Price & Purchase Policy.

Initially, the price of Blood Sugar Breakthrough was $79. However, for a short period, Matt Gallant and his team are running a special discount. If you make the purchase right now, you will have a chance of getting a bottle at the price of only $69. 

There are three options for you to choose from:

  • One bottle at $69, which means you can save 17%.
  • Three bottles at $59 each. The total price is $177, which means you can save 24%.
  • Six bottles at $49 each. The total cost is $299, which means you can save 38%.

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As you can see, the more you purchase, the better Blood Sugar Breakthrough’s price will get. But aside from the amount you can save, if you act right now, there are many more you will gain. 

Treating type 2 diabetes is a painful, tiresome and costly process. Statistics have shown that care for a person with diabetes costs an average of $16,752 per year. It is an extravagant amount of money that doesn’t only stress the patients out but also their families. What’s more, even with all the money spent, they still have no chance to get rid of type 2 diabetes. Once you start insulin therapy, you have to live with it forever. There is no exception. 

Blood Sugar Breakthrough is expected to create a revolution in treating type 2 diabetes, though. Now, with the minimum cost, you can heal from the disease in the comfort of your home. There is no injection, no medication, and of course, no harmful side effects. Placing your trust in Blood Sugar Breakthrough means you have the chance to try out one of the most innovative ideas in treating diabetes. 

Imagine being free from any disease, waking up with brand new energy, being able to enjoy all outside activities and all the foods you love without having to worry about blood sugar ever again. Does it sound worthy to you? It definitely does! 

100% Unconditional Money-Back Guarantee.

If you still hesitate, let me remind you one thing: You don’t have to take any risk. The company protects customers with a 365-day money-back guarantee. It means you have one year to try Blood Sugar Breakthrough and decide. Within 365 days, If you are not happy with it anymore, you can ask for a full refund. The team will give all of your money back, even if you have used up all the bottles. Where else can you find such a great deal? There is absolutely nothing to lose! 

>>> Claim Your 100% Risk-Free Trial In 365 Days Here <<<

Our Final Verdict.

After trying out the Blood Sugar Breakthrough, Linkingo sees no reason not to give the product a try. It is created by a real expert and distributed by a reputational company, so there is nothing to doubt about the quality of Blood Sugar Breakthrough. Most importantly, it is 100% risk-free and even comes with the best money-back offer ever! 

There is only one thing to be aware of, though: For all the reasons we mentioned above, the stocks are selling fast. There won’t be many chances for you to get your Blood Sugar Breakthrough, so the only way is to check it out immediately! A life free of diabetes is right here in your palm, so don’t miss it out!

It comes to the end of our Blood Sugar Breakthrough review. Your opinion helps us improve our content, so if you have any feedback, please leave a comment below! 

We look forward to seeing you in our next reviews. 


  • Does Blood Sugar Breakthrough Really Work?

Yes, the supplement will take effect within 30 – 60 days, depending on each person. 

  • Blood Sugar Breakthrough Side Effects? Is Blood Sugar Breakthrough Safe?

Blood Sugar Breakthrough consists of only natural ingredients. Therefore, it is 100% safe and does not pose any side effects to the body. 

  • Is Blood Sugar Breakthrough Legit?

Blood Sugar Breakthrough is the product of BiOptimizers, a well-known company in the health and supplement field. The product is 100% safe and was certified by the FDA.

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