
Backyard Revolution Review – Say Goodbye To National Grid? Is It Legit?

Hi guys, welcome to my review of the Backyard Revolution. 

The drastic development of the world has brought about numerous consequences related to the electrical power industry. Fossil energy, the most common type of energy, is now regarded as an expensive, obsolete, and environmentally hazardous power source.

Electricity bills have always been likened as a monthly headache creator in every family. Additionally, the national grid can not guarantee its stability at all times. As a result, many people start to look for an alternative energy source to solve their problem. Then they found the Backyard Revolution.

In this review, I am going to give you a very detailed analysis of this product. If you are hesitating to buy this or not, read until the end of this post because you will probably find a reason for making up your mind.

So now, let’s get started.

What is the Backyard Revolution?

Backyard Revolution PDF

First off, let’s take a look at the name of this product. What does it mean by Backyard Revolution? It made my curiosity arise at the beginning. What is this product going to do with my backyard? Is it a shovel or a hoe? Or can it be an agrimotor?

But none of the above is correct. Backyard Revolution can genuinely optimize the role of your garden. But of course, it does not do so in any of the methods mentioned. 

In fact, that is a resolution for an alternative energy source. I guess you all know about solar energy. There is a common rumor that solar energy  is tough to use. It is partly true. Typically, the solar panels require a large area to be installed to receive a good level of efficiency. That is the problem our product today is aiming to eliminate.

So to make things clear, Backyard Revolution is actually an online tutorial. It shows you how to build an alternative energy source within about 4 hours. That is truly a fantastic thing to hear. Look, usually, it would take many hours or even days to install a solar power system. 

More importantly, this program shows you how to make it on your own. Yes, that’s right. Now you don’t need a vast and expensive contractor to help you set it up. Just you yourself are enough.

What can you expect from the Backyard Revolution?

Let’s answer the question “What can this product bring to you?”

  • Saving time on system setup process

To start with, the Backyard revolution can minimize the amount of time you’d spend on building a solar energy system. At least that’s what the creator said in the promotion. I am quite curious at this point. 

If you want to find out the secret just like me, stay here with me till the end. 

  • Lowering the expenses

Not only will it save your time but  it’ll also save you money. Now you don’t have to afford to buy an exorbitant solar power plant. Have you got an idea about how much it costs for a solar power system? Just in case you haven’t, it is around 10 thousand dollars. Yes, for a middle-class family, that is a huge number. 

So this revolution will save your pocket by minimalizing the “recipe” for a solar energy system.

  • Making the system generate a significant amount of electricity

The conventional layouts of solar panels can not maximum the sun’s energy. That is because they are not designed to optimize the power they got from the sun. So that is a big waste. 

With the novel layout, the Backyard Revolution can now maximize the energy it gets from the sun. 

  • Saving the space

The basic design of the solar power system often takes up a considerable proportion of your garden. Now it is no longer a problem for you. You will know how to craft a mobile and space-saving solar panel shelf. But how? Let’s find out together in the next parts.

Backyard Revolution Review – How does it work?

So of course, we can never skip this part. How is this product going to help you?

This tutorial teaches you how to make a primary power station by yourself. 

Firstly, you will have to make an initial investment. I mean, you will have to buy every “ingredient” needed for setting up a power system. Don’t worry if you have next to no idea in this. Backyard Revolution has got your back. It even shows you where to purchase the tools, materials, and all the things this construction stuff require.

After that, when you’ve already gathered the necessary components of a system, it’s time to look at the instructions. You’ll go step by step until you go through a total of 11 steps.

The entire video is broken down into 11 steps. That will be easier to follow, right?

In each step, you will have the parts, the drawings, and the pictures of the assembly process filmed from different angles.

The vedette of the whole process is an upright zig-zag shape apparatus. It collects solar energy to supplement the electricity load of your family.

After that, you can learn how to connect the new power source to your house. If everything is on the right track, your electricity bill is going to be lowered so much. 

Backyard Revolution Review – Who is the creator?

Zack Bennett is a carpenter who is living in Orlando, America.

Zack Bennett

On the official website of Backyard Revolution, Zack Bennett told a story of him and his family. They were once robbed in their own house on a light-off day. 

On that day, the lives of every member of his family were put into risk. But there was no light at all. All because something went wrong with the national grid. And that was the time he realized the network is not always reliable. 

Fortunately, the whole family safely got over that accident. He started to find an alternative option for the grid. So he found the solar energy system. But guess what. It was too expensive for them to afford. 

So he went through the paper to paper. He reads everything related to the solar system. But none of them really enlightened him. It was until he came across a research of an MIT engineer that he had an epiphany. 

The MIT researcher has proposed a new way of arranging the solar panels. That new arrangement brings about a surprisingly positive result. The model increases the power generation by up to 20 times compared to the conventional layout of solar panels. 

Next to that, he had to find out something to put the panels on. As a carpenter, he immediately came up with an idea. So he created his own design to figure out it’s not that hard. 

He shares all about the solution with the name of the Backyard Revolution. Now your backyard is not a quiet, useless land anymore. It has become your family’s second electricity supplier. 

Also, Zack believes that many Americans are getting robbed. Who is doing that? The government.

Well, you don’t get that wrong. The author thinks the government is selling the overpriced energy. Besides, they are fooling people with a thought that alternative energy is not reliable. 

Zack wants to re-correct that misunderstanding by creating Backyard Revolution. 

Now is a little bit about the social networks of this product. Besides the official website of the Backyard Revolution, they also have a Facebook account. This page attracts over one thousand likes and followers.

So we have a solar system design based on an MIT study, a carpenter, aka the creator of the product, an official website, and a Facebook page with over a thousand likes.

Are those things enough to claim the reliability of the Backyard Revolution? Not yet, of course. 

Backyard Revolution Review – What are included?

You will get a package of the Backyard Revolution online tutorial and three more bonuses.

The central part is in both PDF and video format, so if you are too lazy to read, you have a plan B: the video.

Below is a little sneak peek of the ebook for you. Take a glance.

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In details, there are ten main sections in the guide which can be divided into three main steps:

  • Pre-constructing (Part 1, 2 & 3)

The first 2 parts are all about what tools and materials to buy.

Next, chapter 3, Parts Dimensions gives you the sizes of the parts in your construction.

  • While constructing (Part 4, 5 & 6)

Chapters 4 and 5 are the drawings and pictures of the assembly process.

Then the positions of the pieces of the overall assembly are situated in chapter 6.

  • Post constructing ( Part 7, 8, 9 & 10)

When you have done with the apparatus, it’s time to connect the power station to your family electric system. And that’s when you look at the last 4 chapters. They show you how to do the wiring, connections, and what kind of battery to buy.

Backyard Revolution Review – Pros and Cons?

Truth be told, every coin has two sides, so does the Backyard Revolution.

But first, let’s look at the bright side. Here are the things that Backyard Revolution can grant you:

  • A renewable, environmentally friendly and cheap alternative energy source

Unlike fossil energies, solar power is like a gift from mother nature. The energy from the sunlight doesn’t create any exhaust or emission. It doesn’t contaminate the water source, the air. Almost no noise or danger will be created. It has no risk of leaking like nuclear power. It is 100% natural. 

However, this gift is sometimes so expensive to be at your house. You may have to spend around $20,000 on a solar energy system installation provided by a random corporation. Then although it is excellent for the environment, that is not a pocket-friendly decision at all. 

But with the Backyard Revolution, you now have an opportunity to save. No setup expense can bother you anymore. The electricity bills are no longer your headache. Also, the sun is there for over 16 hours a day. Lastly, solar power stations can provide you and your family with enough energy for many daily activities. So all you need to do is sit there and enjoy the money saved.

  • No maintenance needed

It is what you create. You make it, and you know how to handle it. Your design is much smaller than a rooftop panel layout, and the shelf doesn’t need costly annual maintenance. It is flexible, enduring, and mobile.

  • Independence from the national grid

Well, many of you probably have suffered from the electricity cut once or more. You know how it feels. It can be a scorching day in the summer, and the AC suddenly shuts down. Then it totally will fell disastrous.
Don’t worry! Now, you have got your power source. That means no more fear of electricity cut. Freedom is yours.

  • Meticulous instructions

This tutorial gives you even the smallest thing you need for the power station. From the tools, the essential materials to where to buy them, how to make the connections. So no need to be afraid to follow the guide even when you are not an expert. The Backyard Resolution is always with you.

  • Digital access

The tutorial comes in with an online video and an e-guidebook. Correspondingly, instant access is guaranteed as long as you have an internet connection and a smart device. Compared with a guidebook, an instruction video is much more convenient and modern. So that is a thumbs up for the Backyard Revolution.

  • Money back policy

It always takes you a long, long time to decide whether to buy something or not. Maybe you have been hesitating over the Backyard Revolution for a while, haven’t you? Feel free to take one! They assure you with a refund if the product does not work. Now you can breathe a sigh of relief.

To be fair, we can not overlook the potential disadvantages of this program. Below are what I have found:

  • Expenses for the tools, materials and needed equipment.

Remember, it is just a guide! You still have to pay for all the components of the construction. However, the number is nothing compared to how much you will have to pay contractors to build a solar system.

Some customers say that it costs more than $200 for a complete solar power station. But in the defense, even when it is $1,000, it still saves you a lot. Do you agree?

  • The author without expertise.

Yeah, Zack Bennett is a 47-year-old carpenter. He has never majored in any energy-related specialties. Some say it is a drawback of the product.

But that does not matter, personally. Let us pay more attention to the product and its quality. If it is excellent, who care about what the author does. The things we care about are he succeeds in creating it, and the product works. That’s enough.

  • Carpentry skills requirement

Okay, this is true. To make a beautiful panel shelf, you will have to be skillful enough. Zack is a carpenter so there is no doubt about his competence. But you are not, so for the better result, just order the components from a local carpenter in your area. It would not cost too much, trust me!

Who should have a set of Backyard Revolution?

Every family has to struggle with electricity bills each month should learn how to build a second power station. With it, your family’s burden would be diminished a lot.

Besides, if you are an environment lover and want to switch to solar energy, Backyard Revolution can be your instructor.

And who shouldn’t?

I don’t think that there is anyone who should not use it. However, if you feel okay with the national grid and don’t want to make any changes, I don’t have any problem.

But in case you change your mind, Backyard Revolution is always there for you.

Backyard Revolution Customer Reviews?

As a product is offered to sell online, there would be negative and positive comments on it. 

When I go around on Google, I found some complaints about it. Specifically, $200 is the price without the inclusion of the batteries and the inverters.

So besides the shelf and the solar panels, you have to buy a large battery and an inverter to operate it. And that is going to cost more than $200. 


Anyway, as I have mentioned in the Pros & Cons part, even when it costs $1,000, it’s way more economical than the conventional construction.

On the other side, people who have successfully set the system up to give it a significant complement. The promotion did not tell a lie. The customers are then able to save about 50% of the electricity bill each month. That’s for just 10 square feet of their garden.


(Source: Facebook & Scrutiny Portal)

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How much is the Backyard Revolution?

The original price of the whole package is $39. The good news is that they are giving away a 30% discount. It means now you will just have to pay $27 for all, including the bonuses about which I will mention in the next section. But that good deal will only available for a short time. Hurry up before it ends.
And please don’t be afraid of a monetary loss because you have a backup system when things go wrong. It is the refund policy. You have a 60-day trial before really purchasing the product. Take it easy!

What about the bonuses?

Here are the bonuses:

#1: Homestead EMP Protection Protocol

It is a report that shows how to turn your construction into a disaster-proof, EMP (electromagnetic Pulse) proof power source. That is going to help when disasters or the EMP suddenly break the national grid.

#2: Energy Stockpiling Secrets

Here is a report on how to store excess energy. So none of that valuable power goes to waste. You will find the best methods to do so. You will know what types of batteries to use. And you can even revive the old ones. Cool!

#3: Homestead Alternative Energy Sources

And this is a list of other available natural energy resources Mother Nature offers. A lot of information is there for you to discover!
I think $27 is pretty reasonable for everything you get. So quickly claim this excellent deal!


Backyard Revolution Review – Final Verdict

It is interesting to have your own power station at home and become independent from the national grid. And if you are considering going free from the network, come to the Backyard Revolution. I believe it will help you a lot.

So it is the end of Linkingo’s review on the Backyard Revolution. I hope you had a good time with this. Is this review helpful to you? If yes, feel free to comment down below

But if you are not satisfied yet, please let me now for further improvements. See you in the next review of!

Amita Hills

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