Diet & Weight Loss

14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Review: Is It legit? The Truth Behind These Recipes?

Welcome to Linkingo’s post today on the 14-day rapid soup diet review. We are proud to say that Linkingo will continue to be the world-leading site for reviews and tips. Our blog aims to contribute honest and trustworthy reviews requested from customers and make sure you maintain a healthy lifestyle surrounded by joyful and happiness. Our inbox is always available to everyone. So, do not hesitate to share your concerns with us.  

Last week, we received another email written by Wendy.

“Dear Linkingo,

It is good that you open this special mailbox for customers. It is a convenient way for me as well as other people to have a direct conversation with you guys. 

Recently, my family has to deal with an incident. It is about my mother. She is 53 years old now, and her weight is around 198 lbs, which is really a crazy number. She has been so addicted to sweets and fast food recently. That is the reason why her body contains a lot of fat on the stomach, thighs, and arms. I have made different nutritious meals, but she refused to eat them. She is a picky eater, and I now have a hard time fighting over and getting back her healthy body. 

After many times of convincing her, she promised she would stop eating these foods. And if she is on a diet, here are the requirements. She does not want salads for her meals, but something is easy to chew and swallow. More importantly, the diet should not last over 20 days. Somehow, I think I have found it. It is a program called 14-day rapid soup diet. From what I have known, this diet contains recipes for soups that can kill the hunger and my mother’s intense cravings. There are no salads in these recipes, and it lasts for 14 days only.  

But before showing this diet method to my mother, I need to be sure about the quality of the program without any potential risks. I want to make sure that it is worth my time and works well for my mother.

So, I want to ask for help from Linkingo. A final verdict for a 14-day rapid soup review is my top concern at the moment. I check your website daily to read your review. Or you can reply to this email to update your views on the product.

Thank you,


We fully understand your worry for your mother, and we are always willing to help customers like you. Now, let’s spend a few minutes digging into every piece of information and make up your mind better with our 14-rapid soup diet review.

What Is The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet?

The name of the program already shows everything to you. This type of diet is mainly a combination of special soup recipes. But don’t get wrong. It doesn’t provide only ways to make a bowl of soup, but also healthy recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can choose between toast, burger, and waffles for these meals.

There is a 7-day meal plan that can be repeated twice. In this way, you can use nutritious ingredients and minerals to make the first two meals and have a light dinner with these slimming body soups. 

14-Day Rapid Soup Diet PDF

The creator claims that those adopting the method do not need to go to the gym or combine with another diet method to lose weight. Since these recipes include fat burning and detoxing ingredients, they can help your body to start reprogramming and have a positive impact on your internal function. In a word, with this simple program, the creator claims to help you lose weight on the large muscles quickly, safely and naturally.

It is an online program, so you don’t have to wait for receiving a big stack of books. The program is in the form of a digital version. Instead of flipping pages to pages to find the recipes, you can download the PDF files and store them on laptops, phones, or tablets. They are ready whenever you want to use them. There will be an instant link for you to connect to files. Very fast and convenient.

14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Review – Who Is The Creator?

The creator of this 14-day rapid soup diet is Josh Houghton. He introduced himself as a normal man, who has been struggling with weight since he was a child. He is not a doctor, neither a dietitian nor a personal trainer. After bearing with the humiliation for years, he finally decided to make over himself when looking at his marriage photos.

With his own experience, I believe Josh has a great start in connecting to customers who share the same pain as well as the same aims to get their target weight.

As you see from the website, there is lots of positive feedback from customers reviewing how effective this diet is. However, whether the truth about these reviewers really exists or not, it is one of my top concerns at the moment.

I tried to search for more information about Josh Houghton to put into this 14-day rapid soup diet review. However, I couldn’t track down any traces for his online activities on the internet. He doesn’t have any social media accounts either. Usually, a company or an individual wants to promote a product, they will not only build a website but also create a social channel to interact with customers as well as share useful tips. It is a part of product marketing to gain trust from customers. 

From my point of view, Josh may be only a normal man who chooses to keep his privacy instead of being active on the internet. That decision can be a disadvantage for his product. If he had a social account to share his advice and tips, this would be an easy way for Josh to connect with customers. That will also ensure his program is trustworthy.

How Does It Work?

After failing to lose weight many times, Josh decided to find out the root cause that leads to fat-storing on the belly, hips and thighs. He based on a science report from Stanford University. He figured out the reason that led to this accumulated fat is called lymphatic slowdown. 

So what is the function of the lymphatic system in our body? It is to detox and clears out toxins inside the body. It also plays a vital role in delivering nutrients throughout the body, such as fats. After that, these fats will transform into energy for the body.

When the system is clogged, if you feel negative changes with your body such as gaining weight, tiredness, dry skin, etc., that will be possible signs of an unhealthy lymphatic system. Another cause leading to the lymphatic malfunction is related to cellulite or orange peels on your skin. As its function slows down, fats start to accumulate and hold on tightly to your body, which means you can never succeed in losing weight. 

Based on these causes, Josh went back on analyzing what types of vitamins and minerals would be useful to unclog the system. He focused on 3 kinds of minerals that most seniors are lacking:

  • Potassium: an essential mineral that is good for fat-burning and muscle building.
  • Magnesium: it supports a healthy immune system. As mentioned, the lymphatic system is home to our immune system. If we provide enough nutrients for it, there will be no signs of clogged lymph moving. It will be easier for us to clear out extra fats.
  • Collagen: it is a natural cellulite treatment. If you provide sufficient collagen to your body, it will help flatten these orange peel areas and make your skin smooth without leaving any cracked signs after dieting.

These minerals work differently. However, they have the same benefits in removing toxins to reverse sluggish lymph and clear out those stubborn fat storing areas. So Josh put all ingredients that are full of these 3 minerals into his soup recipes. 

In a word, every theory and scientific facts that he based on to make sense and I’m convinced. So, I would say this soup diet truly brings benefits to your body and works well as it claims to be.

14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Review – What’s Inside The Program?

After clicking on the “Add to cart” button and paying for your purchase, a link for downloading the digital version of the program will be instantly sent to you. You will see the full content of 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet: Drop up to 14lbs in 14 Days. 

Flipping to the very first pages of the book, you can find the guidelines to walk you through what to do to complete this challenge. Next, you will find the drinks that are approved for this diet. Indeed, you can’t miss out and have fun with friends when you are on a diet. Thanks for this part, you can still hang out with friends without worrying about gaining weight.

As mentioned, you will also find recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can have a variety of choices for making sandwiches or waffles for the first two meals in a day. And then continue to balance and clear out fats by having some soup for dinner. 

It is just one of the main parts of the program. If you are looking for substitute ingredients to make soups, scroll down to the next part of 14-day rapid soup diet review.

Who Should Not Use?

When you decide to make changes in your daily meals, you should not try to do that if you are in the following groups of people:

  • People with eating disorders

Changes in daily meals won’t provide enough nutrients and vitamins for their treatment. Moreover, lacking some vital substances will worsen their health and lead to another sickness.

  • Breastfeeding mothers/ Pregnant mothers

Mothers have to be on a healthy and nutritious diet to provide sufficient nutrients for nurturing their babies. Don’t risk trying it!

  • People on special medical treatment

If there are medicines that your doctor prescribes for your health, try to consult him/her before trying any diets. Or they cause side effects and bring harm to your health.

Here are some reminders from the author. Please always remember that the program is not intended to be a substitute treatment for medical advice or diagnosis. Consult your doctor or your physician before trying to use any supplements or diets.

Who Should Use?

When the ageing process starts, there are some notable changes in our body. Due to the slow function of internal organs, the metabolism decreases its workload. It will lead to many diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, etc. What we eat at the moment is a crucial factor that helps the body keep up with its operation. Ask yourself a few questions before trying this diet. Firstly, you can check whether your lymphatic system works slowly or not by testing yourself.

  • Are you tired after taking plenty of rest?
  • Do you feel pain in your joints?
  • Do you feel hungry even after eating a big meal?

Let’s move on to a physical check on your body. Slowly use your hands to grab or to squeeze thighs slightly. If you see they are creating dimples effects, that means your body is stuck with a lot of fat. And if you leave them there like that, they start to accumulate day by day without noticing. When your body alerts itself, it may be harder to be on a diet. So, quickly scan through yourself right now and make your decision.

What is the appropriate age to follow this soup diet? The good news is this 14-day rapid soup diet works well for both men and women in their 30s, 40s, 50s and way up to late 70s and early 80s. These groups of people usually endure the heavy feeling that comes from stubborn abdominal fat. They can’t bear hunger and starvings well, so they definitely need a diet that helps them to avoid skipping meals. 

Since the body in its ageing process tends to be more sensitive and requires a healthy lifestyle, you should not be on a diet for a long time. I think the duration of the diet is a significant number. Being on a diet within 14 days is enough to get your body adapted and make a quick refreshment.

>>> Try The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet With 100% Risk-Free <<<

What I Like about the 14-day Rapid soup diet

  • Reasonable duration. I think 14 is an excellent number to let people after 50 have a refresh and quickly flush out toxins out of the body
  • Easy to follow and to find ingredients for soup recipes
  • For both men and women at any weight
  • A 60-day money-back policy with the triple guarantee to ensure its quality as well as trustworthy
  • Well-designed meal plans with solid food for breakfast and lunch, soup recipes for dinner to provide enough nutrients to the body
  • Clear out toxins and untie the stuck accumulated fat
  • Reasonable price with valuable bonuses

What I Dislike about the 14-day Rapid soup diet

  • Lack of “Before-After” photos to show how effective the program is
  • Results may vary from person to person based on body shapes

The 14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Customer Reviews & Feedback?

As you can from these following photos, many customers share how they went through well with soup diet recipes on the website. You only have to spend money on one-time payment, so the program allows you to continue the regime after the first 14 days. Abida lost 6kg in just 4 weeks ~ 28 days when she chose to keep on her soup diet. The results turn out to be very good.

To drop down from 178.7 lbs to around 150 lbs, a woman after 60 was really surprised about the progress of her first 7 days. Her body cleared out 12.2 lbs; however, it required her with more food. To satisfy it, she made use of one of the bonuses coming along with the program.

However, if you notice, there is a series of small words underneath every email. “Results are not typical. Typical results are 1 to 3 lbs a week.” According to doctors, the ultimate number of losing weight in a week usually ranges from 1-3 lbs a week. It will help you get track of your weight quickly without stressing it harmfully. Partially, it also depends on body shapes and how good your metabolism is. So when you start the soup diet on the first days, take it slowly to make sure it won’t have a sudden impact on your body.

14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Review – Is It Affordable?

I am sure you really want to look at the price right now. But first, let’s discuss the pricing of regular meal plans. If you want to hire a professional trainer to customize a healthy diet, it costs you around $60 – $80. Look in another way; you have to spend another around $10/ per day to buy the food yourself. 

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On the other hand, people in their 30s and more tend to have a busy life with their work and family. They have little time to take good care of themselves. A quick, cheap diet will be a good option for their budget. In that case, you can consider the full package of 14-day rapid soup diet that costs you only $15.

Think about how you can drop down to 14lbs within 14 days, clear out those fat-storing areas and back to a normal healthy lifestyle. Plus, this is a one-time payment so you can continue to work on your diet after the 14-day session. The diet also offers you with five bonuses that will not let you down coming along with the digital version. They include:

  • Keto Soups Cookbook

When it comes to soups, you may find most of them have some ingredients such as beans, rice or vegetables that bring your diet to hiatus and make you lose all efforts.

Since the Keto diet is one of the most popular diets in 2020, Josh came up with unique Keto soup recipes. They are working well to untie the fat stuck in the bodies of men and women after 50 and more.

  • Weekend Soup Detox

I am sure Wendy’s mother will love this bonus. If you don’t want to go straight into a strict diet program, you probably try this weekend diet. It is the baby step that leads beginners into the flow of dieting without making them stressed. With this type of detox, Josh claims that you can drop down 2-7 lbs by following it only on weekends.

  • Immunity-Boosting Soup Cookbook

Since the lymphatic system is home to our immune system, if you treat yourself with immunity-boosting foods, it is healthy and beneficial. These soups help you lose weight also.

  • Rapid Soup Diet Quick Start Guide

Don’t panic if you are new to this soup diet and don’t know where to start. This quick start guide explains everything in detail for you. You will learn how to get started. A shopping list is a must for those who don’t know what to buy at the grocery store. More importantly, it also provides you with perfect mealing time to speed up the losing weight process.

  • Keto Immunity Smoothie Recipes

If you are tired of eating soups, you can try these smoothie recipes as meal replacements. Spend 5 minutes in the kitchen, and you can take a sip of low-carb snacks or desserts.

Moreover, to ensure a safe and healthy diet for customers, Josh offers a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t get the results as wishes, there will be a refund with no questions returning to your wallet. One more thing that makes this program unique is the triple guarantee, and you can’t find it elsewhere.

  • Guarantee #1: Suitable for anyone at any age at any weight

This diet is for people who have been struggling to deal with extra pounds in their body. It works perfectly for both men and women. You don’t need to fit yourself into a strict diet. With the 14-day rapid soup diet, everything will be taken care of automatically. No sooner or later, you can walk from the shadow of backstage and lead your role in your life full of confidence.

  • Guarantee #2: Fast and Long-Lasting Results

The detox program works fast and effectively. However, this is not a quick fix. You can see the changes in your body within the first 48 hours. If you choose to stick with that diet, you will be successful in keeping the weight off.

  • Guarantee #3: Best Customer Service

Josh claims to open a 24/7 customer support to help every customer solve their questions and listen to their feedback at He also has a team of coaches who have experience in weight loss and understand the human body. They will make sure everything will be ready and work well to help drop down to your ideal weight. You can shoot an email to them at


14-Day Rapid Soup Diet Review – FAQs

 Is this soup appropriate for men?

Definitely! As mentioned, Josh created this soup diet for both men and women at any age with any weight. These ingredients of soups quickly kick start the body by detoxing and clearing out fats that are stored in large areas. So don’t worry. It has the same benefits and works well for men and women.

I saw no email contact on their website. What should I do?

To make sure every customer enjoys the soup diet without hiatus, Josh created 2 emails to support you as soon as possible. As mentioned on the website, you can reach him at, which is the email for customer support with orders and have a direct conversation with Josh. Another one is, which is the inbox between team coaches and customers in case you want to look for tips from a trainer.

What should I do after 14 days?

It’s up to you. If you want to continue the regime to drop more weight, it allows you to do that. You can combine the soup diet with some home workout to get the best result. Or if you want to put on hiatus, it is also okay to do so. Make sure to eat healthy food to keep fit.

Does the program include shopping lists?

You don’t have to worry about what to buy at the grocery store. With the quick start guide, you will learn how to pick up fresh vegetables and to store to keep their freshness. With a long list of prepared ingredients, you can easily make yourself a bowl of soup fast and easily.


First, thank you all for keeping patience and attention to read the complete 14-day rapid soup diet review. How do you feel about that, Wendy? Please hold your mouse and read with us the very last words of my conclusion for this diet.

Since Josh is not active in his social media activities, this can be a disadvantage for building his reputation. Even though the website is full of positive feedback with specific numbers of losing weight, it would be better if the team could provide some Before-After photos. In this way, people can know exactly how effective this program should be.

However, the 60-day money-back policy with the triple guarantee can make the level of trust higher. These policies help you feel safe about using the program. Plus, the price is reasonable for people with a tight budget. It is very nice that this diet works well for both men and women.

There is a plenty of options of choosing between a regular soup diet, keto soup diet, smoothie etc. It won’t be boring and stresses your body out when deciding to buy it.

I’m sure you already get all my points for this 14-day rapid soup diet review when reading this section. I hope the provided information is sufficient for your decision. We always welcome to receive any emails from you. If you need us to do any reviews about one specific product, please send your inquiry to us.

Amita Hills

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